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A little less interest abuse.

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Some people might like to interest abuse.

But having a creep going around and around just to win sure might not be so fun.

Well anyway my idea is:

A leaked creep will make you lose more lifes if leaked twice.

Maybe lose in this way.

(Leaked / Lifes lost)

1 / 1

2 / 2

3 / 4

4 / 8

Could make those hard levels harder :P

It is an idea, please discuss.

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I don't quite see the need for this. You can cheat single player, and thats ok with me. Nothing of that will work in multiplayer.

Do you want to entirely prevent stalling? Why not "loose game if leaked the second time" then? And "loose if wave takes over 3 mins" while we are at it?

Or do you want to raise the difficulty for single player cheating? Why? Is single player cheating in need of regulation?

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I don't really like it, as cisz sais it's only possible in singleplayer and disallowed for challanges and such. And with your idea it's still possible to cheat, cominging leaking with life tower^^.

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Do you want to entirely prevent stalling? Why not "loose game if leaked the second time" then? And "loose if wave takes over 3 mins" while we are at it?

Don't sound so angry, it were just an idea.

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Guest 1mpulse

yeh it wouldnt work in multiplayer, and if you changed it in sp, you can just use warcrafts built in cheats :?

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Don't sound so angry, it were just an idea.

Ups. I didn't notice I was sounding angry. I guess I was. Sorry for that. :oops:

Maybe it is possible to translate it into a non hostile form:

I guess what you are worrying about is mainly a single player issue, so maybe it's not that important.

I'm not sure what goal your are aiming for. Do you want to remove stalling from the game? Your method would make stalling harder, but it's still possible, just more costly. It's possible to be much more strict against stallers. For example: Double leaking could result in a loss, taking too long for a wave too. Is that what you had in mind?

The rule you suggested would rarely change anything in a multiplayer game, right? So basically you are suggesting a change of single player, agreed? I personally like the possibility of cleverly cheating in a game, especially if it is very easy to spot and of no value in multiplayer.

So could you explain more clearly what the problem is you want to fix and what result you had in mind? I assume you are enraged about the leak/releech strategy?

How was that? Better? Sorry again, must have had a bad day on the first try.

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Sounded much better :wink: I don't remember wy but it just popped into my head and I wrote it here without much thinking.

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less interest abuse, noooooooooooooooooooooo

...but you have a good point, and i myself do not like leak-interest ABUSE at all as i think it crosses the line.

however, others have already covered reasons why this might not be effective. I DO wish there was some kind of device to make it harder to abuse leaking, but i'm not sure the is is the answer. two thumbs up for effort though.

on a side note, this would be just vicious when getting randoomed an early lvl2/lvl3 elemental... :mrgreen:

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