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Guest markone

Flesh Tower - Buggy?

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Guest markone

Today I used flesh tower 1st time in 4.0, 100 mana for inc dmg is ok.

But when damage reach over 2k bonus it start to blink, comes and disappears :shock::?

i guess that it shouldnt be like that ? also tower size doesnt depend on bonus damage... i had +4K tower who was tiny and 2 2K who were big ... :shock:

I think that something is wrong there....

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I have also noticed the size don't work out, level 8 can be bigger than level 30. however the blink thing i haven't noticed with over 5 games of just fleshy, replay please.

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Does this happen every time? Can you do screenshoots? And, jolin allready asked for it, a replay might be helpfull too.

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I can confirm this. The Flesh Golems just shrinks and grows ... my guess would be that the Spring Tower (or whatever the name of the attackspeed increasing tower is) is the cause of this.

I think the ability is based on Bloodlust which also increases the unit size and after the effect is over it shrinks again and seems to mess up the golem size.

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Guest markone

im not sure that i used spring tower. crap is that i didnt saved replay, i will play soon and try same thing ;)

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Guest markone

Well in order to remember what i used i took all of elements and build a lot of variations to findout what i did ...

when root tower make attack flesh golem lose bonus damage, after attack end, its back.. that cause blinking

http://rapidshare.com/files/89835199/Fl ... k.w3g.html

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