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[Beta 8] Multiplayer modes

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Me and Jolin012 just tried out some of the new multiplayer modes;

Competive mode is pretty good but after you'r dead you can't se anything.

In RANDOM tournament mode I don't really understand how it works and it is going to fast to choose. (I tought you would choose every 5 levels)

But you only get 75% sellback on that mode. Well and that mode is pretty much random.

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let me add up my oppinions.

Competitive mode:

This is not a terrible mode, but has some errors. As 13est said, the dead player can see nothing, which is bad imo, in a game of more than 2 players, where ppl want to look/wait for friends. Another problem is that i can't even see my entire own area, if I'm far away, and have no "scout towers". another strange thing, I don't know if it matters, couse we could chat, was that player 1 began with the all chat, while i player 2 began with the allies chat.

Tournament mode:

on this mode it felt stupid to have 75% sell back. But that might be also because we had a terrible random of the chosen elements. (something like ¤dwdw and got owned by dark mech followed.) But also I leaked because the stop key no longer works to towers. Why this felt stupid to have 75% sellback was basicly because I couldn't plan my building, as in pick mode. and neither could I sell between waves to change towers due to the 75% sell. maybe 100% would make the mode to easy, so i got the idea to make it something like 80%, but shortley realized it wouldn't solve anything, I'd still not change towers between every other wave, so, I'd say it ain't anything wrong with the mode, but I'd find it more fun at 100%.

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Thanks for the input guys. 75% sell was not intended for tournament random, it should be 100%. As for dead players in competitive mode, I should be able to fix that as well.

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Competitive mode:

The spell casting tower should be somewhere close to the summoning center, it makes waste too much time in the middle. The location of the ! symbol on extreme would be perfect. As well, some skills are strange, reveal has far too short duration and should reveal the whole area, the anti-spell shield I couldn't find out how to make it work (it should affect all units owned inside player area), the sleep skill is too short (or it should make upgrading impossible), Refresh should restore the mana of all your buildins to make it more interesting, something is wrong with theft, I used it on jolin when he had 1000 unspend gold and got +2 gold :? , as well, Armorer and Inciter look a but weird.

The idea has a lot of unspent potential, i'll look up for the next interest tick :wink:.

Here my ideas to improve:

Reveal: Shows the whole area of a player for 30 secs. The builder of the affected area shows the magic control effect (editor), to let you know you are being spied.

Magic-Shell: Casted over any tower or builder, Protects all buildings and units of owner inside his play area for 30 secs debuffing and making them magic immune. The builder of the affected area shows the effects of magic shell (editor).

Abolition of magic: Casted over any spot in a player area, it makes all units (creeps and builder) debuffed and magic immune for 5 secs, can be used to debuff your own creeps or to make the creeps of another player ignore slowers and armor reductors. The builder of the affected area shows the divine shield effects (editor).

Mana-steal: Casted over any tower or builder, it steals 5 mana per sec. of all buildings inside a player area and gives it to the casters spell center, lasts 5 secs and some mana steal graphics appear from the spell center to the builder of the victim. Can be used on your own area to regain mana.

Thievery: Casted over any spot in a player area, it makes all kills bounty made during 20 secs. in this player area be given to the caster instead of being given to the player.

Stop: Casted over any tower or builder, forces to sell a building of an enemy, puts his builder to sleep or makes Spell- or Summoning center freeze. Lasts 10 secs. On buildings the builder of the targeted player has mute graphics 5 secs., casted on the builder it puts him to sleep.

Freeze Area: Casted over any spot in a player area, makes all buildings and units in an area have half mov. speed and attack speed, affects the builder as well. 20 secs duration. The idea is to make him slower to be overrunned by the next wave.

Timed Bomb: Casted over any spot in a player area, it posts an invisible bomb that explodes as soon as a creep is nearby, damaging all buildings and units in an area, reducing selling price of buildings or even destroying them completely, damage of the bomb depends on the current wave number, does not affects the builder nor summoning nor spell center. Explodes after maximum of 20 secs.

Fortitude: Casted over any spot in a player area, it makes all towers and units (creeps & builder) inside the whole player area, be buffed with +9 extra armor for 20 secs.

Frenzy: Casted over any spot in a player area, it makes all towers and units (creeps & builder) inside the whole player area, be buffed with 30% extra movement speed for 20 secs.

Cease Fire: Casted over any spot in any player area, it avoids the next wave counter to appear during 45 secs, after which the spell center's mana is set to 0. If the spell center is "stop"-ed during this time, the spell is interrupted and the next wave will appear. The casters area will be visible to all. The summoning center will show some channeling grafics.

All things are open to discuss.

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