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Armor Ignoring = Bad?

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I've heard many times from different people that ignoring armor is a bad thing. It certainly makes it harder to balance, and goes against the system of difficulty armor adjustment and armor types. Almost everything in the game does NOT ignore armor or armor type. However, there are some towers left that do, and I am wondering if they should also be converted:

Ice Tower

Kindle Tower

Flamethrower Tower

Roots Tower

Corrosion Tower


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We are mostly balancing the game on VH and Normal difficulties, towers with AI deal on easy difficulties the same damage, that is, less then expected. As long as easy difficulties remain it there is not a problem. We should be just careful on towers supposed to be main damagers.

So, atm it is more a cosmetic issue than anything else. I prefer elemental damage then direct damage.

I just insist that the tooltips should be colored with the damage type the spell does to leave things clear from the very start. More noobfriendly as well.

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Guest Sancdar

That would be nice. Currently I think you get the type from the 1-1 attack damage type on the tower.

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