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Fast waves with running mobs

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I actually think that we have redesigned to better undead and machanical waves, but what about fast waves? Aren't fast waves a bit easy compared to their big bro's healing and undead waves?

Here's my purposal.

What if fast creeps would run like chikens if they are below 20% life?

Basically, as soon as a fast creep is below 20% life he will attempt to reach the exit at max speed, which can be a pretty bitch to cath leaks on fast waves.

It also breaks a bit the order of the creeps.


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The game allready is too hard at the moment. Maybe we should come back to that once the map is actually working? :)

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Guest 1mpulse

or just make the creeps immune to slow (always move at the normal ms)

i agree its too hard atm, but afterwards it sounds like a nice change

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Same here, I always prepare for them. I do feel that they are the easiest of the 4 types, but as others have said lets stabilize balance before buffing them.

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Guest Sancdar

They are good as they are, in my opinion. Early on they push interest-whores like me in an annoying way, later on they aren't so bad. The beta already has a creep type that works well against slowing strategies, I don't think we really need two.

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