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[BETA 2] Stormlcc's Feedback

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I don't know if i'm supposed to post this here or not, so here goes...

Bugs and comments of Beta 2:

1)reviving units will go the opposite direction once they revived or hit by a tower and sometimes will be

stuck in the turning point if no towers are hitting them

2)Nova towers will not auto explode and the shortcut key for exploding (E) is not functioning

3)Impulse and Velocity towers have no effect on some units

4)Ice and Sub-zero towers should have splash ability, if they don't have splash damage, they are

considered useless in early/mid game

5)Level 2 and 3 towers are too expensive to build

6)Units with the invulnerable shield ability should have more max mana and the regen rate of mana should

be slower, now the mana of these units is only 12, it makes them cast this too frequently

7)the ability of Spring/Well tower will not autocast when it was finished

8)Ronald uses up too much CG when they die, it will make slower machines lag when the whole map is

stuck with Ronalds

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4)Ice and Sub-zero towers should have splash ability, if they don't have splash damage, they are considered useless in early/mid game

5)Level 2 and 3 towers are too expensive to build

These points are on purpose and carefully designed. There are 4 aoe slow towers, and ice is no longer one of them. And the price change comes with a power boost.

6)Units with the invulnerable shield ability should have more max mana and the regen rate of mana should be slower, now the mana of these units is only 12, it makes them cast this too frequently

This is a suggestion to reballance mech waves, right?

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Guest stormlcc
4)Ice and Sub-zero towers should have splash ability, if they don't have splash damage, they are considered useless in early/mid game

5)Level 2 and 3 towers are too expensive to build

These points are on purpose and carefully designed. There are 4 aoe slow towers, and ice is no longer one of them. And the price change comes with a power boost.

6)Units with the invulnerable shield ability should have more max mana and the regen rate of mana should be slower, now the mana of these units is only 12, it makes them cast this too frequently

This is a suggestion to reballance mech waves, right?

yes, i do mean reballance mech waves.

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Guest stormlcc
I don't know if i'm supposed to post this here or not, so here goes...

Bugs and comments of Beta 3:

1)Impulse and Velocity towers have no effect on some UNDEAD units AFTER THEY REVIVE

2)1st level Elements have too much HP

3)GOLD and WEALTH tower's ability doesn't clearly state how much gold we've earned extra, when these towers hit creeps, there's a gold colored number appearing beside the creep, is that the extra gold earned? sometimes the number is only 1 or 2, but sometimes it is 0!!! the GOLD tower build is one of my favorites in version 3.0, this new version's GOLD tower build kinda sucks........it's too expensive and we can only build our first GOLD tower in the middle of the game (lvl 25 onwards) because it's so expensive, and the extra gold earned isn't much

4)I thought version 4.0 is an improvement version of 3.0, but more than half of the stuff had been changed, frankly the game isn't so fun anymore (for a personal point of view), 2 of my most favorite build had been changed, which is the rainbow tower build and gold tower build. In 3.0 there's still a lot of rooms for improvement, like more levels to play, stronger creeps, balancing the towers and prices, and (like the new 4.0) adding creeps with special abilities.

5)And Ronald is still here and we can't win (i mean a real victory), and we still have to keep on killing them till we die. Actually the Ronalds should be used as a last hero boss, we kill a number of them and then we win the game......not like we used 2 hours of our life just to exit the game ourselves.

6)the storm tower makes too little damage, and it's also too expensive

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6)the storm tower makes too little damage, and it's also too expensive

Well, till now you could build storm with good microing short before wave 20, and solo the tower till wave 31, which means on multiplayer to kick most of your opponents, it was too strong for the prize you payed for it.

5)And Ronald is still here and we can't win (i mean a real victory), and we still have to keep on killing them till we die. Actually the Ronalds should be used as a last hero boss, we kill a number of them and then we win the game......not like we used 2 hours of our life just to exit the game ourselves.

Ronald will be redesigned, but we should concentrate for now on the test of the towers, once we finish all major bugs with the towers, the moment has comed to take care of the rest. Step by step.

3)GOLD and WEALTH tower's ability doesn't clearly state how much gold we've earned extra, when these towers hit creeps, there's a gold colored number appearing beside the creep, is that the extra gold earned? sometimes the number is only 1 or 2, but sometimes it is 0!!! the GOLD tower build is one of my favorites in version 3.0, this new version's GOLD tower build kinda sucks........it's too expensive and we can only build our first GOLD tower in the middle of the game (lvl 25 onwards) because it's so expensive, and the extra gold earned isn't much

Most ppl playing on pick was always going on bnet on gold towers and pures at the end. They didn't even care to try another build, so it was imo necesary to change something, if I would get a buck for each time somebody asked me for the elements of gold tower, I would be rich by now.

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Guest emjlr3

it may not be as fun atm cuz so much is new, so much of what you thought you new has changed, and you have to almost relearn it again

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6)the storm tower makes too little damage, and it's also too expensive

Well, till now you could build storm with good microing short before wave 20, and solo the tower till wave 31, which means on multiplayer to kick most of your opponents, it was too strong for the prize you payed for it.

Till wave 24 you mean, after that you have to add towers.

Thats is try for acid, nova, rainbow, summoning, and, although I didn't test it yet, probalby also for flamethrower, infernal, metal, gem and sludge.

Why should storm be an especially weak tower?

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