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Hero Mode Brainstorm

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Hey Guys,

I know there is already a Hero Ability Wishlist thread in the suggestions forum. But, I'd like a place for more focused ideas.

No abilities that do damage, unless it is percentage based. No abilities that stun/disable creeps.

I know I've said this before, but don't limit your imagination. JASS coding can do a lot of things, so it is better to suggest then to not. It doesn't matter where you get your ideas or inspiration from (DotA suggestions forum, other custom maps, other games etc.), so don't be limited in that respect.

Looking forward to some great hero mode abilities. Refer to the Potential Hero Ability thread to make sure there isn't overlap.

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Do I get this right? This is about a new and hopefully ballanced and working hero mode, to be implemented after beta 2? :wink:

The standard auras are:

  • Attack speed.

Damage boost.

Armour reduction.

Bounty increase (%).


All those give a % bonus. With the exeption of bounty, all boni are based on what the player has built, so they are easy to ballance.

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Do I get this right? This is about a new and hopefully ballanced and working hero mode, to be implemented after beta 2? :wink:

Yes, that is correct.

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Guest Warcryptic

I dont really have the time to check if these things are suggested at the other tread, so i just trow in some possibilies.

range of towers slightly increase. And i really mean slightly because otherwise it could inbalance this all.

Attack speed slightly incease. And i really mean slightly because otherwise it could inbalance this all.

Some kind of skill where you can set some type of landmine (limited definitly) that does like 10-15% dmg at max lvl or something, the idea is that this can be a last resort skill like if 1 leaks that you have a chance to catch it with that last landmine no mass kill skill but still usefull for people that want perfect score for example and that leak 1 by mistake for example. Or maybe make it an aoe blast/explosion, and even the possibility that the more creeps, the less dmg per unit, so that the dmg get shared around the units.

The boost for towers or reduction things for creeps, I dont know if this is really there but make a aoe on the hero so that only a part of the stuff gets boosted, otherwise it would get way to easy,

I have no more time for brainstorming, but when i do, and get a idea. Ill post it when i can.

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Guest AlienFromBeyond

How about an AoE nuke that does % damage based upon how many units it hits? Have it do less damage to each individual unit when there's more, but if you can manage to get a guy alone it could take out 50% (or whatever amount you like) of its life. This would help you on your quest to make mass slowing the go to strategy for everything.

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I don't know if this is the right place to post it, but i think it's important to mention. What I specially disliked from the old hero system is that it had little option to choose how to upgrade the hero. Each lvl 22 Fire lord was nearby exact the same with same skills. What I think is that there should be more skills to choose, so that the heroes become more strategical.

I.ex. 1 Autoupgrade skill (maybe a combo of special critical strike and a aura that enhances towers of the same element), 1 Aura skill (affecting all towers in range), 1 closer position spell (like the damage in a line or stomp spells), 1 Mass AoE spell, 1 Single target spell and 1 Autocast.

So that each player can choose which way he wants to develop his hero and adapt it to his needs (some people may want to use it to finish off leaking single targets, others may prefer to do some splash before the mobs get to the death passage and others may prefer to leave the hero passive in the middle of his towers and reinforce the build with auras).

Having all heroes the same basic skill distribution is also very helpful for balancing, you just need to make sure that all Mass AoE spells i.ex. are equally strong instead of balancing the heroes as a whole. Instead of the old summoning skill you could give all heroes an Ultimate so that the hero transforms himself into the level 3 tier instead of just summoning it.

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For now, I'm going to put this on ice. I've gone back and forth on the issue of whether to retain hero mode or not, and at this point I'm going to play it by ear. I want to first see how the middle stage of development (making sense of all the new content) goes first.

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