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New clan members

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The clan is allmost at maximum size now, so we should start to get picky with new members.

I suggest the following rule for people that want to join:

They have to request this in a thread on this forum. So we see if they want it so badly that they even make a new forum account for it, promote the forums, and get players to actually use it.

A second rule could be that the player has to post a replay winning vh, as the normal clan game is vh sr.

And in addition to that we have to keep the rule "they have to be nice and friendly" up and alife. Good strained this rule again today.. Sigh.

What do you think?

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Guest Mieralunar

These sound like very logical and basic rules… I think it's a good idea.

I sugest the following: also check activity. Like, "be online every week" (Just giving example ;)) And if they are going to be offline for a long time they have to tell on before and give a good reason.

If I come up or hear another rule or idea that sounds about alright I'll inform you

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Should I kick all that haven't been logged on for over 2 months?

(If they wan't to be in if they start play again they will have to come to the clan, but they had problary no interest and youst wanted a clan so?)

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As I have told you (and all other shamans) I want no messing around with the promote/demote and kick. Once we have 100 members I will kick idle members.

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i'm oki with all rules

-come in the forum before add clan

-post a replay of a game (or play with u or a shaman for testing membre)

-be a nice, fun and enjoy member

-kick Members not connected for 1 month if the members dont give news on the forum or clan

it s basics rules but good ;)

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Every time I loggin there are just me and problary 2 other unknown members in the Clan online. If you want to play please add me to friends list (and tell me to add you)

The clan has 79 Members, 3 online seems wierd.

Heres a list of players last online:

Haven't been logged on for...

3 months or more:

-about 25 players

1-3 months-

-about 20 players

2-5 weeks-

-about 10 players

Almost active-

-about 10 players

Active players-

-about 15+

You decide :P

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