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Maze Redux

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Forewarning: I am going to break this up into multiple posts.

Mazing mode is a personal favorite of mine. But the current pathing is both simplistic for experienced players, and too fast for new players. Adding new way points and potentially changing the start/end positions could alleviate these problems.

I did some reworkings to the waypoints and pathings, specifically increasing the number of waypoints from 2 to 4, 6, or 8. In addition, I did some quick outlines of what typical mazes might look like. The designs here focus on being multipass mazes. These designs are NOT ideal; they just give some rough idea of what maze each change might result in.

7 Maps total:

1) Current

2) Four way points (WP) - 1

3) Four WP - 2

4) Six WP - 1

5) Six WP - 2

6) Six WP - 3

7) Eight WP - 1


Note - Entry point is in green. Exit is in red.


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7) Eight WP



Possible Maze


And done. Let me know which ya like (if any).

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I wonder if you could do one or two 4 WP that do not change the start and end? I'm mainly looking to preserve those so the three 6 WP are nice for instance.

What is your favorite?

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I wonder if you could do one or two 4 WP that do not change the start and end? I'm mainly looking to preserve those so the three 6 WP are nice for instance.

What is your favorite?

Well, you could do a 5 WP maze by adding a WP along the same line as 1 and 2. (for 4-2). Not ideal, but it could work.

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I personally liked number 3 the best, though it may be because it provides adequate spacing between the points. Number 5 would be next, though I'd recommend spacing it out horizontally some more. Numbers 6 and 7 is one that looks closer to the original EleTD path design, though that is not the intent or purpose of maze mode. As for Number 2.... hahah, Gem TD. Not a bad thing, but EleTD should be it's own thing, even if it is simplistic.

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