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Stuff for next version

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I figured (since there's a lack of activity here) that I'd just compile a list of all of the things that could be implemented, balanced, or fixed with the next version. Ones on the top are more important than ones on the bottom, in my opinion.

  • Flamethrower + Money. It's outlined here. When units are napalmed but killed by a money tower, the only effect that will go off is the napalm explosion. You won't get extra money from it. Right now, the D+E+F+L build is really suffering because it can't benefit from both triple towers' effects. While it's not really the best idea in all pick, I have gotten this build a few times in random, and it's really detrimental not being able to use flamethrower + gold with their effects.
  • Quark towers need a nerf. Definitely wouldn't do any more than dropping them to 80% of what they are now, but the fact that you can use so few of them and slaughter everything like it's a joke... while I love the fact that I can indeed do this, they're definitely overpowered at the moment.
  • Likewise, Vapor towers could use a buff. Yes, they work a lot better with double slowing but... Quark still does better, and even after a nerf, they'll still do better.

Onto the less important ones:

  • Tower damage meter, few ways to implement it, it would probably help a lot of players out. Original thread here.
  • This is more specifically for "super pro players" that have quite simply played too much EleTD and interest abuse like crazy. Ray and Grenade towers don't need buffing, and those that continue to use and abuse them throughout the 30's while using forge or well towers to buff other towers probably have run into the issue of super buffs being applied to the wrong towers. Original topic here.
  • Lol, Spout Tower x2 here. If I ever manage to figure out the timing on that and abuse it, I'll let you know with a replay (for the history books). Though if it actually becomes a problem to that level, just stick a cooldown timer on it or something.

I may post another suggestion later regarding trickery towers. As there are quite a number of things here, figure I won't bother just yet.

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The lack of activity is sad indeed. Thank you for posting this list though. I will nerf Quark and buff Vapor. The Ray/Grenade is already done for next version. Hopefully Mazing will breathe some life back into things.

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Agreed with the quark nerf! Also Kara, I know this is probably a painful thing to do, but perhaps you should add some small description of each tower in F12 (help) menu?

I mean, if I were a noob and playing this map for the first time, looking at list of name of the tower and combination won't really give me any idea. But hey! This is just my opinion...

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