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Data Collection Mode

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I think we could benefit greatly from an optional debug interface with roughly the following functionality-

Collects data on everything that happens for player 1 both wave over wave and for the overall game - data can be displayed using dialogs (and screenshot or, if possible, copy/pasted). This would be off by default, but could be enabled by developers who have the map file locally for testing. Data collected would include:

1. Total DPS for all towers

2. DPS per tower type

3. Hits per tower type

4. Avg Dmg per tower type

5. Bounty and Interest

6. Anything else we want

Should also include the ability to manually spawn a wave without waiting for the timer if possible.

We're getting a lot of strong feedback on balance and I think much of it is well-placed. It'd be great to be able to run side-by-side comparisons and get good solid data from them.

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obtaining dps of towers would be tricky and depending on how it's implemented could skew balance badly (massive normalization for example)

but it's an interesting idea.

it'd be easy for most towers but some like flamethrower tower. very hard.

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Well, assuming the purpose is just to test the towers and not play a serious game, we could just attribute all damage from flamethrower's associated effects to its DPS.

Drowning Tower comes to mind as one that wouldn't really work in this way, but I think it wouldn't be too bad to just create a formula for that one and do it on paper.

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I can see the argument for this, but I don't think it is worth our time. Relying too much on numbers has its own flaws. Furthermore, time spent adding this in is time not spent on other things. Between the players themselves and focused testing by select individuals, I believe we can do it without this.

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Fair argument. We do seem to have a fairly passionate bunch of people offering feedback.

Perhaps it'd be good to recognize their efforts, then so they'll be inclined to keep up the good work? ;)

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