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Guest dimonedz

Adjusting to the new beta map

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Guest dimonedz

Hi, new to the forums, relatively new to the game. Been playing for roughly a month now.

Before the new beta got released, my build was LFNW. Rushing Electric to make a nova, from there it's mostly easy sailing to get a storm tower up. Vapor next to the nova, Impulse towers to the upper right; then save up for pure water when I get the slowers at the right spots.

I'm not sure if this strategy is efficient on it's own, but I'm having a hard time on the new beta map since it's harder to save up for pures now. The buff on Ice towers is nice and it really helped, but I'm having a difficult time towards the last 10 rounds since I don't have a decent aoe damage dealers(pure water) and all I can do is slow them.

Do I just need better money management or is my general strategy flawed? Feedback and suggestions pl0x.

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Um, we are out of beta, 4.0 and 4.1 are release. ;)

The main change is: Lv.1 triple support towers are much weaker now. They suck as dmg towers and do less suport. So you should not try to build them before you have a decent amount of dmg towerts going on, like maybe 4 lv.2 triples or 5 lv.3 duals.

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Guest dimonedz

well, shi~

I thought I've been playing the beta to 4.1 =_=

What kind of damage towers would you suggest for a LFNW build before it's ok for me to get lvl1 triple slowers?

EDIT: I'm thinking of replacing W with another element since I only really use it for Windstorm.

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Guest soyamilks

LFNW would help you to got a perfect LNW cycle

W can also use for well which can buff your towers and it is very strong in 4.1

Also, Tidal may be nice is you place it correctly...

If you really want to replace it by any element, may be darkness is a good choice. Because tricky is really tricky. :lol: (I am just kidding)

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Guest dimonedz

I have no idea how to use tidal properly o_o

I'm thinking of getting either Electric or Life as damage towers before upgrading one to nova, with a couple of wells as support.

Adjusting to triple-slowers was the hardest for me and left me unsure on what cycle I should make o_o

The water ship(water, fast, mechanical) round always leaves me hanging by a thread, any solution to this?

Sorry if I turned this to a Q&A thread lol.

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tidal is placed mostly at the long-pass VII or V. when most of the creeps are in range, douse. build 2, and use one of them for each wave and let it charge up the next wave. in a LWFN build with double slows, the entire wave should be slowed within the range of the tower. with tier3 well, it can charge up to allow 2 douses each wave..

LWFN there is impulse tower for long range. it is a strong damage tower as well as a leak-catcher, although it takes micro.

LWFN towers are basically well, tidal, impulse, nova, windstorm, pure water and pure light. LWN as the tier3 elementals, giving well and ice as the tier3 duals. life tower doesn't really make the cut here as there are better towers available in the build.

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holepercent is right ofcourse :)

place on longpass (aka area 5 aka the center of the very center of the maze) and douse once per wave when as many creeps as possible are around it. This tower is not as easy to solo with, so I recommend you begin with some other towers. maybe elemental arrow towers at area 3 (numpad aka lower right cornet) or some light towers in the middle of the maze, and then tidal. unless you learn the tidal and feel safe with it and have the perfect douse timing.

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