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Guest Dlonyer

A few questions.

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Guest Dlonyer

1. Is there a way to skip past the 30 second wait time between waves? Sometimes I'll wipe out an entire wave, and sit there staring at the timer.

2. Is it better to place and upgrade multiple towers at one location, or spread them across the map?

3. Any suggested tower combos that are more useful than another? Should I be upgrading everything as much as possible, or keeping some lower level towers for the buff they give?

Much appreciated.

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1. Are you playing on VE? If you play it single-player, ofc you'll be staring those for long... If you play on VH, you only need to wait 3 seconds.... ;)

2&3. Well... Not that I don't want to answer it, but it really depends on how you play....

If you insist, my opinion is...

2. Upgrade multiple tower at one place, it's for interest farming and the good starting way to play on VH

3. Hmm... Basically upgrade is always better, just don't sell element/dual/triple tower (except elemental cannon/arrow) because they refund 75%, okay?

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1. Don't play very easy

2. One location is better, especially if you plan on using splash/slow.

3. The towers are pretty balanced now. There may be some combination of towers that are more effective than others, but it's up to you to figure them out =). Upgrade/build the minimum amount of towers needed to kill the wave. Lower level towers (duals vs triples) are worth keeping if you need that particular damage type or if they are one of the 3 support dual towers.

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Guest Dlonyer
1. Don't play very easy

2. One location is better, especially if you plan on using splash/slow.

3. The towers are pretty balanced now. There may be some combination of towers that are more effective than others, but it's up to you to figure them out =). Upgrade/build the minimum amount of towers needed to kill the wave. Lower level towers (duals vs triples) are worth keeping if you need that particular damage type or if they are one of the 3 support dual towers.

The support towers you talk of, you mean the blacksmith, trickery, and the something-well that gives pumped up?

Also, thanks for the suggestions. I tried normal mode, got to wave 30-ish, with 45 lives left. Then I got kinda discouraged because a crap ton of the rats got past. Having mild OCD, I hate it when I don't do things absolutely perfectly.

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1. Yes, play on a higher difficulty OR play the extreme mode. extreme mode removes all the 30 seconds or all 3 seconds in a very hard game.

2. It depends(but you didn't want that answer :) ). here's the deal, you want all your damage towers in the place that you have your support (slowing, armor reduction, voodoo, polar) so this makes it worth more to have all at the same place. but, some towers work well at certain locations, so you might have to keep them away from each other :( here's where we get in trouble. some towers belong to the longpass and some to the 2pass. but if you play area 4 and 5 you have both a longpass and a 2pass at nearly the same location. with supporters at area 4 too, you have a very solid defence, and this is what most of the pros often do.

3. Yes. you need to vary the damagetype of your damage towers (damage towers are the non-support towers) there are special tricks on how to make it near perfect with only 2 or 3 damage types, read the guide. I have posted a sort of guide on that here: and in the mid-lategame you need to add support towers to your defense. this includes boosters trickery smith and well that you mentioned, but also slowers, armor reducers, voodoo and polar.

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