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Remaking Postcounter titles

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First I would like to know which titles there are and when you get them.

I forgot exakt numbers, but which are supposed to be stronger? Tier 3 dual or Tier 2 tripple?

Because I was a Tier 2 tripple and now I am a Tier 3 Dual.

I think maybe the numbers of posts need to be remade a little. But I would need numbers to look it up.

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Basic Tower 0

Element Tower 25

Amplified Element Tower 50

Tier 1 Dual Element Tower 100

Focused Element Tower 200

Tier 1 Triple Element Tower 300

Tier 2 Dual Element Tower 400

Refined Element Tower 500

Tier 2 Triple Element Tower 750

Tier 3 Dual Element Tower 1000

Pure Element Tower 1500

Periodic Tower of the Elements 2000

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I'm only a quarter to getting periodics? Wow.... Still long way to go

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Basic Tower 0

Element Tower 10

Amplified Element Tower 25

Tier 1 Dual Element Tower 50

Focused Element Tower 100

Tier 1 Triple Element Tower 150

Tier 2 Dual Element Tower 200

Refined Element Tower 300

Tier 2 Triple Element Tower 400

Tier 3 Dual Element Tower 500

Pure Element Tower 750

Periodic Tower of the Elements 1000

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I think it would be fun if you would do gold cost / 10 for the postcount levels:

Arrow Tower - 0

Basic Tower - 5

Amplified Element Tower - 17

Tier 1 Dual Tower - 50

Focused Element Tower - 62

Tier 2 Dual Tower - 125

Tier 1 Triple Tower - 150

Refined Element Tower - 212

Tier 3 Dual Tower - 315

Tier 2 Triple Tower - 500

Pure Element Tower - 1122

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erm - how was your calculation to get those numbers :P I don't see it connected to tower costs.

anyway 1337 posts could be the max lvl instead maybe.. or is that too much?

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unless you have edited your post, something strange was goin gon in my head when I didn't get it :P

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