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[4.x] Challenge #2: The Encyclopedia

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The Encyclopedia Challenge: Complete the game using 4-element builds.

Standard challenge rules: vh pick, no other modes and no (extra) short mode allowed. You are not allowed to use interest and pures/periodics. Post your replays here!

Current status:

The roots and muck tower builds

DNEF - no replay

DNEL - no replay

DWEF - no replay

DWEL - no replay

DNEW - no replay

The nova and windstorm builds

LFNE - no replay

LFND - no replay

LWFE - no replay

LWFD - no replay

LFNW - no replay

Non aoe-slow Builds

LDFE - no replay

LDWN - no replay

LWNE - no replay

DWFN - no replay

WFNE - no replay

Good luck and have fun!

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the challenge is no tlive yet - so depends when we release it ;) we don't want too many challenges at the time..

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