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Guest serdelus

First look at new EleTD Towers

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Guest serdelus

I've read new towers description, and i like most of them very much!

4.0pb towers for me were a little to mathematically balanced. Now, support towers show their strenght on the last levels, which is great - the promote well thought build before chaotic all element all towers noob build, which sadly were effective. Now you have to plan your build more than on older versions.

I love new support and buffing not only damage but also abilities.

Still, I'm little sad that you changed Golem so much. I admit that it wasnt very powerfull, but the concept was fine, could have use some strenghtening, so that whole build could be focused on him for fun, instead of making him new quark (although thanks god less micro intensive).

Disease could have used some remake, but I don't know if it will be good in game.

New quark is awsome.

Trickery is viable at last level. Great!

Voodoo seems little useless now, to short duration IMO

Isn't Hail damage to low now?

Love the drownig now stacking with support.

Very much hpe that new summon will be better than old.

Enchantment seems so much worse than acid now. The same armor reduction with only one target. Dunno if it will be playable

I wonder how this new gunpowder / ice will work, though now the Ice's name appear to be little pointless since it doesn't slow.

Sunburn got chaged, sad thing really, it was pretty cool.

Overall, It seems to be cool change mostly. At least there will be some thought put into build. Cannot wait to try out new combos (I like the though of tidal + well now)

EDIT: Wanted to put it in general discussion, but something failed :D

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Thanks for reminding me that I forgot to update Disease Tower ability description :P.

Moved to General Discussion per request.

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Guest serdelus

Does trickery copy the towers ability completly (ie if i copy tidal with 10 charges will it explode for max damage, or not)

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No, that clone will come into play as a fresh Tidal.

The new Golem does not feel like the old Quark I hear. It seems people enjoy playing him as opposed to Quark, which felt like a chore.

Trickery is plenty viable at level 1 and 2, no worries there :). Puts the old Trickery to shame (as a tower).

Hail recharges every 9 seconds so the ability is active 2/3 of the time.

Faerie Fire cooldown (Enchantment) reduced to 1 second (same with Frostbite on Polar). This allows them to rapidly apply the debuff to compensate for single target

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Ok - this post got larger than I planned to make it^^

Everybody doesn't have to read, btu perhaps it helps you understand serdelus

4.0pb towers for me were a little to mathematically balanced. Now, support towers show their strenght on the last levels, which is great - the promote well thought build before chaotic all element all towers noob build, which sadly were effective. Now you have to plan your build more than on older versions.
I don't completely understand what you mean here, since 4.0 is a lot more mathematically balanced than 4.0PB was... and well yes, the trick is no longer necessarily to build all towers. infact there should be several tricks that are not too strong but rather so - I hope at least 15-some builds will work out in AP.
I love new support and buffing not only damage but also abilities.
ya, that's one of the most important steps towards balance that we made :) and it's cool imo. some may think balance is too one sided and boring, but if you see it the other way, it makes more combinations available, rather than if every tower only works in one special way, maybe that would be more one-sided.
Still, I'm little sad that you changed Golem so much. I admit that it wasnt very powerfull, but the concept was fine, could have use some strenghtening, so that whole build could be focused on him for fun, instead of making him new quark (although thanks god less micro intensive).
erm... it was changed to micro intensive again:P
Trickery is viable at last level. Great!
err - what? wasn't that like the only lvl it was viable on in PB?:P anyway it works on all lvls now - unless you use tier 1 on too cheap towers, just like with well and blacksmith.
Voodoo seems little useless now, to short duration IMO
you are right. we have talked about this, and even if it's effect is as long as corrosion it has a second less in realtime, since every creep is hit at least twice and corrosion resets time, while voodoo obviously can't reset. maybe we should make it 7.5 sec for next next version.
Isn't Hail damage to low now?
erm. no. it attacks fast and has multi-shot and long range.
Love the drowning now stacking with support.
ya - that's one of my favourites too. and the ability no longer ignores armor or armor type either.
Enchantment seems so much worse than acid now. The same armor reduction with only one target. Dunno if it will be playable
Enchantment ability lasts 15 seconds. corrosion(acid) ability lasts 5 seconds. And Enchantment casts faster, so with 2 enchantments next to each other, yuo can fearie fire all of them for 15 sec, while one corrosion does all creeps for 5 sec((infact between 6 and 7 since creeps hit twice per side of the tower and that resets corrosion time.)).
I wonder how this new gunpowder / ice will work, though now the Ice's name appear to be little pointless since it doesn't slow.

Sunburn got changed, sad thing really, it was pretty cool.

Flame (sunburn) was cool!.. but it ruined game balance, sorry.. just like ice tower did.. And we know ice sounds weird to not slow. but the elements water and light must make sense too and with models and stuff - a tower is a tricky puzzle of cosmetics you know, and the ability and name alone isn't all that matters.. there's models and contained eles too that need to make sense.

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the towers are more or less equally balanced in their own unique ways now. Some towers may seem stronger than others, but may not be so. Case is enchantment v corrosion. In a build with heavy slow and splash towers, corrosion wins. In a build with no slows, enchantment should be stronger, where single-target towers feature more.

we have tried to make all 4-element, 5-element and 6-element builds comparable against each other. A skilled player should be able to play at least semi-competitively against any other build.

PB's trickery was spam lvl 1 towers.. and have 2 sets to clone towers. use one set while the other set is on cooldown.

not sure about voodoo.. it was reduced to 5sec as most felt it was too long and the ability never got to trigger before the creep was killed. that was at 15% support. could possibly need a longer time now as the support is nerfed to 7%.

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