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Guest grpgm

Hard Random: Advice on adjusting

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Guest grpgm

Hey guys, I am new to the whole EleTD thing :) Friend of mine got me hooked on the map though and I am trying to improve my game before the big 4.0 release. Watched a lot of ya'lls replays and have been playing a bunch of games. So I was hoping I could get some pointers on how to adjust to playing on Random and dealing with strange element combinations and bad starts/waves.

I actually prefer to play on Random, which is why I am practicing, because I like selling all towers for 100% refund. Makes me feel like I am never too committed to a position or set up, but I have trouble figuring out what to build next when a new element pops up. I have a replay of a recent game I played on Hard difficulty while Random with the worst possible start (at least it felt terrible, double interest -_-')

I totally lose it all at level 55 when I realize I over invested in zealots and I do not have enough non-fire damage to handle the Regen Water wave and they rip through what I thought was a solid defense :(

My question is, anything I could have done better? Did I use good tower choice or was I focusing too much on zealots? The quaker tower was working great, but it started feeling weak toward 45 and I wasn't sure I could position more at a better position easily or that it would be worth it. I am not sure the Ice Towers turned out worth it, but I was really just trying to make use of the Level 2 elements I finally had since I could not think of anything else to build. Sadly the level 2 electricity failed me on the murlocs :(

Well, any general tips for Random would be appreciated and if you watch the replay feel free to give me specific pointers on how I could have prepped better for that last wave. Thanks! :)


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don't have access to the replay now..

to start, know the towers well and their optimum placements.. read the guides and review replays by better players.. use the tower query button on the builder, the book icon..

in random, there would be some not so playable combinations.. not every game can be completed. in fact, most games end before ronalds..even the best players fail frequently.. what we post is just our best games.. some games, it is just making the best of the elements and outlasting your opponents, assuming you are playing samerandom..

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Hm, you are doing pretty good.

I guess your main problem is placement. Your monsoon has massive slowing powers, and I would suggest you use more splash dmg, and keep your dmg towers closer to the monsoon.

You can place more quakers around 7 and 5 and Ice does most dmg on a short pass, so it doesn't fire at the same creep over and over again. ;)

How about a short demonstration:


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Guest grpgm

Cool, thanks for the suggestions and the replay :)

Couple of things:

1) I didn't realize the 7 spot was a good building location; I always figured it covered too little road to be useful long term.

2) Didn't know monsoon could reach through ledges like that, which is awesome

3) Never used the polar tower, so I had to read what it did ^^;

4) The Ice towers you had scattered around seem kinda gimmicky, not sure they seemed to do anything worth the money they cost

5) Are there any towers that should generally be avoided in a build? I haven't had much luck with Disease towers when I use them.

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Since Ice is a single target slow tower in 4.0pb, the optimal strategy is for it to attack every creep once. It basically turns into a support tower. Ice has been remade during the private beta cycles, so when 4.0 release comes out, you'll hafta use it differently anyhow.

Disease is pretty much the worst tower in 4.0pb. Luckily, it has also been remade and is definitely more useful.

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click the link in this sig..

it has a section on every tower, some tips on using every tower and combining builds.. although the guide is kind of 'broken' now as it's being updated in anticipation of the 4.0 release..

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