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Announcement of Element Pick in Random

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This applies to short mode especially: The game ought to announce which element is randomed. Everyone has to scroll to the entrance to see what element it is (Is it an element I'm weak against? Is it level 1 or level 2 or level 3? i.e. do I need to worry about it?); in short mode, it's basically a compulsory Element Query. So when each elemental guardian comes out, tell us which one it is. In short mode + random, give us Element Query automatically. Because we would all have to find out anyway.

Once again, this is for Random mode only.

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if you know, the sound tells you the element summoned.. it's part of random not knowing what the elemental is until you see it..

element query? that isn't very commonly used.. unless you meant tower query.. and you'll have to kill the elemental first.. the lists aren't updated until the elemental is killed..

and a really skilled player should really memorise all the towers..

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Hmm... I don't think you'd have to announce them in short mode or extra short mode. you have too much text to read allready, and if yuo don't need to read that text(knowing it allready) you would do as quick on either scrolling to the trophys or click the element query. you have 45/60 seconds so it shouldn't be a problem. and yes - you can hear the sounds too, a bit tricky on XSM(EM) though.

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To make it a little bit easier the camera could move to the elements. But printing a text is overkill. (jolin is right: there is already way too much...)

@holepercent: hahaha - I even don't know the elements of nova but I know Fire -> Electricity -> Nova :) (but now if i really think about it, it should be FLN but I am not sure^^)

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Works in single player, but what about in multiplayer if you have some creeps left at about the last "long run" and you try to micro to not waste damage on overkills then suddenly the camera moves to the new element.

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don't change my camera view ingame please ^^ changing it before the game started like, switching to the area where voting for draft mode is is ok. but odn't abort me ingame.

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