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Guest NinoDoko

Income strategy

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Guest NinoDoko

Hey everyone

As you probably see, im new to the forum, but ive been playing the game pretty long :) . And i need some help.

So far, ive been using the income strategy. U know, using as few towers as possible, and get a hell lot of gold. This usualy gets me the famous 1 000 000 gold. Then i fill up the entire building area with my choice of towers.

However, tho this was working on easier difficulties (like very easy, easy and medium) i thought id chalenge myself and try it on a harder difficulty. However, it hardly worked - i either overbuild and the income is wasted, or i dont build, i leak and i lose.

So, have any suggestions on how to improve my income strat?

My usual build is get 5 incomes as soon as posible, and get the 2/3 elements which i combine.

However, i lately started using other strats. Most common :

5 - element

10 - element (another one, for combination)

15/20/25 - interests

30/35 - elements (the previous ones)

40 - interest

45/50 - elements (the first 2

55 - element (another one i use to buff/slow/debuff towers/units )

This build was good in medium, but i find it difficult to use it on hard/very hard. So, any help?

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It would soon not be possible for 5 interests.. interest farming is also a strategy for single-player. in competitive multiplayer, others would rush you out of game. Gold tower isn't as easy to mass being a triple now. Also, in lower difficulties, the gold is the same as a VH player but a lot less towers are needed.

basically, you'll need a mix of towers. In 4.0pb, the best build is all 6 elements with all at tier2 except either light or dark, ending with all support towers and periodics. Light gives more single-target support while dark gives more aoe support. there are quite a number of replays in this forums of the 6-element build. Some of the 4-element builds are also playable.

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you could provide a replay for us to analyze....

most interest possible would be to use only arrows/cannons/elemental arrows/cannons until around wave 30, since they all sell for 100%. thus you can abuse the buy/sell tactic and gain more interest that way.

just a matter of building fast ^_^

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Guest NinoDoko

thats exactly what i've been doing so far.

Before the beta, i was going for 5 interests and then 6 element build. Lots of glaciers, tidals, 2 periodics, flamethrowes etc and there was uber slow, dmg, and everything i needed. However, since the beta most of the abilities are gone so, even if i play 6 element i dont know which combinations i should use.

anyway, i think i will try the 6 element build again. 1 question - do i keep gold to get income or spend it as soon as possible?

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Many players here play multiplayer most of the time, so "just enough towers to keep me in the game" is more than you need when playing alone. ;) Also, many players here play on random a lot, so they keep selling and rebuilding some of them for the entire match (all towers sell at 100% on rnd).

If I'm playing on vh pick, I'd usually start with an arrow opening for a good compromise between interest and speed, and then spend most of my money for midgame, until I get some strong tower to a high level (like monsoon or waterfall), so I can keep some gold unspent again. This midgame also requires me to add, sell, and rebuild some elemental arrows or cannons.

Have you seen some decent replays? If not: Are you playing on the latest version of tft, 1.22? (If you play on the battle.net, this will be the case.)

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Guest NinoDoko

no, im playing on 1.21

but i guess i can find the 1.22 patch

btw, can u post a topic or 2 where i can find some good replays?

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Guest Sancdar

If you're playing alone (or against slow players), two or three interest to begin the game is still very possible.

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Guest DKthe13
If you're playing alone (or against slow players), two or three interest to begin the game is still very possible.

Indeed, just as sancdar and kirby say:

Build non-elemental till lvl 30.


5 - $

10 - $

15- ele


25 - $

30/35 - elements (the previous ones)...

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If you're playing alone (or against slow players), two or three interest to begin the game is still very possible.

Indeed, just as sancdar and kirby say:

Build non-elemental till lvl 30.


5 - $

10 - $

15- ele


25 - $

30/35 - elements (the previous ones)...

i can kind of understand wanting to get an element as your third pick so you have access to element arrow (more efficient), but I can't really see why getting another one at 20 is justified if you're planning on doing 3 interest picks. Ok, you're going to have to deal with 1 or 2 waves where you're gonna be forced to use super arrows, but that's not THAT bad, is it?

I personally prefer to open $$$ before getting any elements, just because I feel like I'm "getting the most" out of the interest picks. It's true that the gold you spend temporary is less efficient, but I feel like the greater interest probably makes up for it--especially since most of the time you pretty much end up getting a full interest in between waves (when you should only have basic arrow towers around).

However, if you're not feeling like building so many towers, then yeah, don't open $$$.

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Guest NinoDoko

i tried a couple of games in hard...And the most efficient build i find is a 6 element. U have support towers, slow towers and damage towers. If u go for interest, u have less towers (which means u can miss some really valuable towers) or get them all but low level.

Anyway, i will keep trying with interest.

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i tried a couple of games in hard...And the most efficient build i find is a 6 element. U have support towers, slow towers and damage towers. If u go for interest, u have less towers (which means u can miss some really valuable towers) or get them all but low level.

Anyway, i will keep trying with interest.

oh yes. dont get me wrong--in 4.0PB the 6-element build is the most powerful one, and there really isn't that much reason to trade those element picks for interest picks since you're losing some very strong lvl 2 triple support towers if you do that. But if you're aiming to play something other than the most powerful build, to make things a little more interesting, then doing 2 or 3xinterest can be pretty fun ;)

keep in mind though that i've been playing a different build where interest picks actually increase the interest rate by a bit more than in the 4.0PB...so i may be overestimating the validity of the builds.

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