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Guest EleTDnoob

Angry at EleTD developers :(

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Guest EleTDnoob

Well, I'm certainly not happy. It seems that the developers totally nerfed the Cash Interest% strategy. I was playing on easy today, Random+Chaos mode, when the Ronalds rounds started I had 640.000 gold, and nowhere to spend it :evil: ... I placed towers on every spot on the map, even on the top right part. Fully upgraded all of them, and still had 640kk left. Its kind of hillarious that the net worth of my towers was about 450-500kk while my gold was over 600kk doesn't that seem a bit unbalanced?

I suggest developing some ultimate towers that cost 100kk and don't need a pure element to be built. This way saving up money wont be useless.

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Easy is meant to be that.. easy. the 4.0pb gives equal gold to all difficulties. at lower difficulties, that means more gold as less towers need to be built.. if i'm not wrong, the extra investment was also given a buff.

so if the game is too easy and you have too much gold, play very hard. You're too good to be playing at that difficulty.

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Well, I'm certainly not happy. It seems that the developers totally nerfed the Cash Interest% strategy.

erm... how exactly did we nerf your interest strategy (that requires too easy difficulty and/or playing offline )?

you say something like towers are too cheap? I never saw a tower in previous version, 3.0 that costed more than 5k-6k and didn't require pure essence...

or am i mistaken?

and as holepercent mentioned, picking extra interest for your lumber will now give a better boost to your interest rate :)

And you talk about "imbalance".. let me put it this way, we don't balance the map after players who experiment offline playing as slow as possible and/or on a too easy difficulty, farming in cash. we balance it after high skill competetive play, that ends with perhaps 100k, not 1000k. You are of course allowed to experiment in singleplayer typing cheat-codes or harvesting in a million bucks, but there is no reason to consider anything you may find there to be or need to be balanced.

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Guest Sancdar

I thought interest stopped when wave 60 finished. Anyway as explained earlier unless you're playing alone or with really bad players, you can't save up too much money. Part of the game is that the difficulty depends on your competition. The other part of the difficulty depends on...your difficulty level.

I guess people have fun playing when they know they can win easily or something, there are so many games full of VE players that just sleep through the game.

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Guest biyabo

I enjoy playing Ele TD sometimes just casually with friends on VE, to see who can get the most ronald kills. That is a competition in itself, to race for the most money and then to rack kills.

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Guest M45T3R

Uhh on very easy most people run out of RAM before leaking a single Ronald

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Guest Void

Yeah there is no point in testing a strategy on easy mode.

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Guest M45T3R
There's a simple solution to this, Play on a harder difficulty! :)

Only problem is that it doesn't come remotely close to working...

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Guest ragnakore

Like the above said. EASY level.

I personally like to play this by filling the whole map with towers - ALL Available Space.

On Normal, I can do it with lots of money to spare.

On Hard, struggling to even survive.

On Difficult, no way.

Try playing this game on normal and hard and see if you can fill the whole map with towers till level 61 then come back.

Of course, we are not talking about "Keysersoze 100000" to jump start the bank account but plain old 70 gold right from the start.

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Guest M45T3R

I managed to fill the entire screen with wizardry towers on VH, so it's not a big deal.

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Testing, game limmit.

Uhm im currently on 9000 + ronald kills, 555 lives...

Do you ever win, cus i wount loose now...

Still LOVE the map!!!

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The goal is to survive longer then your enemies ^^

Single player is more for testing new things or you can settup certian goals for yourself that you can try to accomplish.

P.S. try a harder difficulty.

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The goal is to survive longer then your enemies ^^

Single player is more for testing new things or you can settup certian goals for yourself that you can try to accomplish.

P.S. try a harder difficulty.

O gonnas, x kwaad vir niemand nie...

I know what the objective is, its just uhm im invunrable... 62 000 + kills, and 3000 lives.

And if max kills is 1 000 000 like i maxed out money, it would take aprox. 10 days to reach that amount off kills at a kill a second.

I know i should try on more difficult setting but still, the ronalds doesn't get upgraded any more, they excepted their fate and just keep on dieing...

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