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Single slow towers... how to use em?

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Single slow towers such as uh.. frost (water-light) and flame (fire-nature) towers. Every time I use them, they don't seem to be doing much, and I don't really notice slows. I prefer AoE slows such as muck, windstorm, roots and nova towers for slows as they seem to be easier to use. I usually like to group towers up together around the 4 and 5 area (num pad notion). How should I position the frost and flame towers?

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I wouldn't focus too much on these towers, as they won't be making an appearance in the 4.0 release. Long story short; single target slows upset macro balance too much so the only slows left will be the four AoE ones.

Edit: I didn't want to avoid your question, but it has been ages since I have used these guys. Generally speaking, you want to place them in positions where creeps do not stay in the line of fire too long (so that they switch targets more often, thus spreading the effect). Position 4 is much better than position 5 for these two towers.

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Yes, they should be placed on short pass. That's a place where the creeps barely come into the towers range, so the tower can't fire at the same creep more than once. I usually play them at 9 and 3. You know what 9 and 3 is?

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cisz is right, they shall attack each creep only once. in corners they have too short range to keep attacking, and need to choose a new target, that will also get slowed.

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