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Guest HeNKiEeE


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Guest HeNKiEeE

Im looking for a replay of someone completing this build on very hard difficulty.

I read in holepercents topic that he completed it with tidal+well spamming at VII, V and I but i can't manage to do this.

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my analysis:


trickery (L)

ice (W)

life (N)

poison (D)

disease (D)

well (W)


hail (L)

oblivion (D)

tidal (W)

drowning (W)

N-W-L is a nice damage cycle (do you understand why?) but your only source of nature damage here is either single element towers, or life towers, which aren't really that great. Disease and poison are rather worthless, and trickery is hard to use. Yes, I see myself relying mostly on tidal, but with hail towers thrown in to cover for darkness waves. Drowning is a possibility, but i'd rather have tidal if I can, since drowning is a little more inconsistent.

if I'm using hail as one of my primary towers, it had better be level 2, so that's LLDDWW. Add in NN and you get lvl 2 tidal as well. That's 8 picks, leaving us 3 more. I'd probably throw in WN since lvl 3 well is a big help, and that also gives us strong single-element nature towers to cover for later earth waves. Last pick would probably be interest.

So the build i'd try would be something like:


or actually,


just tried it (short mode) and got to wave 54. I had forgotten just how much 4.0PB builds rely on AoE slows and supporters. Having Ice as your only slow is really painful here :lol:

I was trying to play at 4/5, which was too ambitious of me. Maybe going slower and playing tidals at 1 would fare better, though I'm not exactly sure where the hail towers would go. Ice helps a bit but really without the AoE slow tidal can never catch all of the creeps, which is a big problem--even more so on fast waves. And mech waves are a big pain as well.

Another idea would be to play drowning at 6 or something. Drowning and hail complement each other a little bit better than tidal does, just in terms of placement. It could work...but I worry about the late-game usability of drowning. Hail towers also didn't really seem to cut it quite as much.

But then again, all of this is coming from someone who's been playing the private beta version for a while, so it could just be me being used to different things. ;)

11-26-08 LWND fail.w3g

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tidal+well+ice+light tower.

tidal deals heavy splash water dmg. well&ice buffs. place ice in corners where it only hits a creep once before it automaticly switches target, so the lower left of area 4, the upper right of area 9, and the lower right of area 3. light covers for darkness mechanicals and bosses about 33% gold spent on light towers. fast/undead should be a tiny bit harder but should be no problem. main problem would be lateggame. add pures. there is no reason to pick darkness tower while trickery tower isn't really working as a booster, and disease/poison/hail/drowning/oblivion are a bit too weak to be worth spending lumber for. If you want it proved to work i suggest you either ick darkness and don't use it, or max light water and nature and pick one interest. or anohter elment instead of darkness.

pick order: $LWN LWN WNL



tidal+well+amplified light


tsunami+spring+freezing+focused light


tsunami+waterfall+sub-zero+pure light

try yourself. if you want i can record a replay.

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tidal+well+ice+light tower.

tidal deals heavy splash water dmg. well&ice buffs. place ice in corners where it only hits a creep once before it automaticly switches target, so the lower left of area 4, the upper right of area 9, and the lower right of area 3. light covers for darkness mechanicals and bosses about 33% gold spent on light towers. fast/undead should be a tiny bit harder but should be no problem. main problem would be lateggame. add pures. there is no reason to pick darkness tower while trickery tower isn't really working as a booster, and disease/poison/hail/drowning/oblivion are a bit too weak to be worth spending lumber for. If you want it proved to work i suggest you either ick darkness and don't use it, or max light water and nature and pick one interest. or anohter elment instead of darkness.

pick order: $LWN LWN WNL



tidal+well+amplified light


tsunami+spring+freezing+focused light


tsunami+waterfall+sub-zero+pure light

try yourself. if you want i can record a replay.

actually that makes a lot of sense. didn't think to use just plain old light towers. (whispers an apology to devouring1)

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Guest HeNKiEeE

I tried it, but didn't work. Plz give me a replay, thx.

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Guest HeNKiEeE

Just finished on Hard difficulty with 5 lives left.

I lost all my lives in the last 3 waves, what am i doing wrong? I had 3 pure lights 2 well and sub-zero at the corners u said. Oh, and i had 2 tsunamis at V. I sold one to make room and give money for my third pure light. They dont seem to do anything in the last levels.

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The last 3 levels? so you leak 58 badly too, the "weak to light" wave? for lvl 60 you need to micro your light towers to attack the asme target so that they don't let many children go around and regenerate health.

yeah, your work so far seems great, so we won't have to guide you via showing how you need to do exactly. your playing style seems to work well., if you provide us a replay we could tell where your problems are.

I was suprised that you had only 2 tsunamis but if you upload the replay that might explain why - but then again, in public beta, there was not much cash after pures bought.

And note that it is not an easy build - nobody said it was possible to noleak. even WNLF is pretty hard to complete on veryhard/hard, so WNL is a real challenge. replay here and we can help you make it even more successfull.

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