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Guest pepaekung

How to kill Ronald Lv.61 TD Element 4.0 Beta???

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Guest pepaekung

Who is clear LV 61 succeed!!

I want how to clear its. = =*

Ronald was how many life???

I killed its 383 lifed but i were losed = =*

I want to know how many Ronald ??? Y_Y

I have to do?




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Ronald is infinite.. it's meant as a final test for defenses. to leave one player standing in any game.

in VE players have played past 30k ronalds..

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Hi pepaekung, welcome to the forums. :)

For one player the game crashed after like 12 hours of killing ronalds. Probably memory issues.

You allready won the game, 61 is just a bonus. Try a higher difficulty. ;)

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Cisz and hole% are correct. Ronald is just a "damage test"/ "defense test" that can be use d to choose a winner in a multiplayer game.

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