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[Beta 16b] Current Trickery status

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as the topic sais, [beta 16b] Current Trickery status..

Excellent work on getting pure clones to work (aka not cost food to have).

Still to fix:

clones must share status with original in some way. it's not ok that with t1 or 2 trickery, twice as many wells/smiths needed, and with t3 trickery 3 times as many needed. This is important imo.

level3 marker problem, was that fixed?

Autocast range 700 should be 800, was wondering why it ain't fixed yet...

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I should be able to make it so that when a tower is cloned apply its buffs to clone.

Other bug(s) should be fixed...

Would need to test what exact value would mimic real autocast. It is weird that real autocast has larger AoE even though same value...perhaps use -range to get a good estimate.

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ya, there i see, first all goes well, 30 sec clones, until suddenly, lv 41 or something, a hail lasts 15, and the next clone beeing comet, also lasts 15 only. And no - i didn't notice it in my games, perhaps it happened but i didn't notice it in my own games. Thanks for ading to this thread.

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