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In response to jolin012's AoE slow theory

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I tested the damage an amplified nature tower did over a 30 second period at location 5. I also tested it in combination with Nova tower. Now we all know that DPS for the nature tower will be constant, but the average dps and total damage it does over the period increase because of extra shots.

I found the following:

30 Seconds @ 5:

Nature Alone: 295 DPS, 8853 Damage

Nova Alone: 3425 DPS, 102773 Damage

Combined: 3808 DPS, 114256 Damage

Difference: 88 DPS, 2630 Damage

Roughly a 30% increase in damage output. Now only one trial was used but 30% damage output increase is more in the margin of error of 10% (what is expected) than something significantly less (if jolin012's theory was correct).


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All I claim is that the supernova increases the number of attacks that the singletarget tower does on the first creep by 42% (1/0.7 aka the remaining movementspeed).

The reason why I landed on 10% and you on 30% was because I used a 600ranged ST tower, which has fewer attacks on the first creep than longer ranged 2pass tower (nature tower, that you used K). Also I was using an entire 2pass, area 6, while you were using area 5, which has many more attacks on the first creep to boost.

I also claim that why it doesn't boost the entire wave while it slows the entire wave, is because while the creep get slower, they also get tighter, which makes, as soon as the frist creep gets out of range, the wave of creeps the same long in terms of time, ie 14sec long.


supernova boosts a kindle by the complete 42%.

supernova boosts a 2pass arrow by about 10%.

supernova boosts a longpass nature by alot. not testing, but must be below 42%. perhaps 30%-35%.

Also note that 30% slow tops 42% boost (42.8 to be exact, should've written 43), because with 70% movementspeed it spends 42% (1/0.7) more time to walk the same way. that is why kindle has 42% boost by supernova, every creep gets struck 42% more, because it basicly is a multiattacking singletarget.

Splash is a whole different story because creep spacing changes with slowing.

beta 15b nova tower..w3g

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Note that this is for how Nova, the only non microable AoE slow works. There are other, advanced theories of how to use the others.

Right now, i can't record no replay. there is internet and a slow pc here at the house in us, so for example now, when it's raining outside and all the others are off to the store buying food, i have a little time at the forums and irc.

I can reveal a few weird secrets, that Muck Windstorm and roots can be optimal with STSR 2pass (in terms of %support and not dmg) at rather, shall i say, unexpected placements, with proper micro. for example area "-"(minus) and area 8 come into play. Also that 1100towers together might not be optimal at parts of 5 anymore, when aoe slows come into play...

I was thinking about posting this in the strategy forum along with some replays, it's a quite fascinating science imo, although there is not always time for that micro, especially not in Random.

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