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Guest DevouringOne

One more level

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Guest DevouringOne

First this is only an Idea don't send me to the oblivion :)

Second look at third;

Third here is the idea: Before Ronald level to be added one more with 60 spalns...

They won't give you any gold there will be no interest. And all these sixty creeps to be the masters of all the demonic leavels before:

first unit that goes aut to be The Tibmer Wolf Leader, and in this way to the Evil Chid's Father :D... and all leaders or masters to have the same abilities as the original type of creep he is and the same elemental armor.

This must be something like teather or circus: All actors are going to the scene for the applauses.

I think that this not very hard to be made and it will add more color to this TD and more fun :D

What do you think about this idea?

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I think it wouldn't ruin the game too badly. but i have to disagree about it adding more color to the game. I think it wouldn't make it more fun. the first 55 of the creeps would die very very easily whereas the last 5 are only 5, so - easy too. they would die at the entrance, not much fun, and if they were made harder - wouldn't make much sense nor be much fun..

It's not bad with ideas :) ..., but I just don't like this one. :?

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when you kill everything the creeps come out for one last time (reminds me of the villagers when you complete burb td) ..

one idea could be to run this during the ronald countdown (with an option to skip the 'subgame', something like -killcreeps command)... players would probably be building towers and the creeps are easy to kill...

but again... it depends if any will this add to the filesize.. 'unnecessary' effects ..

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Wait - is the only one that wants this devouringone?

Because I don't see a point in this change. :wink:

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Guest DevouringOne

No the creeps will be little more powerful than evilchild... And if you don't find the idea for interesting don't add it... it is simple.

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