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Guest TerrorCore


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Guest TerrorCore

Hurricane Ike took down the majority of my areas power/cabal lines, so to pass the time I started playing Ele TD. Ive been playing this game now for almost 2 weeks strait. I still do not have internet at my house so I decided to run to my sister inlaws house and check out this site hoping to get some help with my strategy and I keep seeing people talk about periodics. Can some one please explain what this is to me. Please understand I have very limited internet use so I havnt really had much of a chance to search for the answer. -Thanks

Edit: Also wanted to say love the game and cant wait to play with others online...

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Guest DevouringOne

Yes Periodic tower IMBA... but you have to be a brave one to start a game in which you want to build two of them or three or four( be prepared to sell you other towers )

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TerrorCore - Welcome to the forums. :)

You do understand how to get essence? The faq might help you too.

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Guest TerrorCore
TerrorCore - Welcome to the forums. :)

You do understand how to get essence? The faq might help you too.

Yep. After I posted I ended going back home and playing another game and found the Periodic lol. I felt a little stupid after seeing it :shock:. Ive only been playing on Normal mode and ived topped out at 187 ronalds.

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Good that you use teh periodic tower more now :) I scraped together some tips here, but incase you didn't want but wanted to develop on your own (you mentioned it as yours strategy so i wanted to be extra careful) or something like that, i tried to make a spoiler. but that wasn't possible - so instead the text is tiny^^ just copy paste it into somewhere else x)

Try Also (in later game - after like level 45) to combine it beeing damage tower with support towers (like one of each, perhaps several of smith and well).

Those are:











Perhaps you need more sources for damage early, rather than periodic which comes late. Those damagers could be zealout, quaker, impulse(tricky to use), tidal(tricky too), Drowning, Oblivion, etc. If you want to learn more - please provide us with a replay:)

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