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Active/Passive skill

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Since a few betas ago all skills show as active. Why is that? Imo opinion and several of my friends new to eletd (now that i say that it should've been like that even in pb) it is very weird and just not understandable, with an active icon for a passive skill, I saw them spamming that skill thinking it was a button and realized that it's just stpid, unless of course, there's a reason behind it that i don't know. and perhaps tidal should show no active skill until it has reached level 1? perhaps a passive lv 0, and active lv 1-10 if that's possible, because many think that they shall spam the splash button, well, it is a button and doen't have cd, so just spam it, right? ofc we can't always take 1st priority to help the noobs who don't even read, but we don't have to make everything complicated that can be simplified and made easier understood. as for passive/active skills I think the once that are automatic should have a passive icon, and those who are active should have active icon, if there ain't a good reason to create misunderstanding. and for tidal, is anyone with me that it'd be good if lvl 0 splash is not an active skill?(only if that is easily coded).

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Design wise I vote for using active skills only for buttons that can be pressed. Also I don't like the looks of the active buttons, so even more reasons to avoid them. ;) And no, I and jolin are not the same person, we just agree a lot recently. 8)

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