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[Beta 13] Ice

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maybe reduce the tower range and the range of the helix. the tower hits too many creeps in each attack. either it spreads a small damage over a large number of creeps or a moderate damage over like 2-3 creeps at most. i would prefer the second option. the first option will result in the damage appearing to be too little although it plays out balanced..

or a slower attack speed. a slower attack speed such that there is a pause between each attack. a 1.5 attack speed wouldn't feel like it's 1.5 due to the time for the attack animation to play.

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Modifying the range will completely change the dynamic of this spell, and I'd like to avoid doing that.

Now nerfing the attack speed sounds like a creative way of nerfing the damage without scaring people away. Thoughts?

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I'm still not sure how this tower works. Could it be that it does infinite or at least very high damage on the crossings? Like doing it's damage 6 times?

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I'm still not sure how this tower works. Could it be that it does infinite or at least very high damage on the crossings? Like doing it's damage 6 times?

Each strand of the helix does X(now 250) damage to any unit it encounters. A unit hit by both strands should take 2X damage. Now at the end, a unit may very well be hit by both strands and then be caught in the ending explosion, taking 3X damage.

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