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[Beta 12] Gunpowder too random?

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Holepercent and me noticed, that Gumpowder is too random.

We both had got 3 Guns at V but he was much earlier ready. (Maybe he can attach the replay)

Another idea for Gunpower:

Let the missle explde three times. With a small gab. (maybe 0,5s) But don't split it. Thats too random.

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Guest Vigi-
Holepercent and me noticed, that Gumpowder is too random.

We both had got 3 Guns at V but he was much earlier ready. (Maybe he can attach the replay)

Another idea for Gunpower:

Let the missle explde three times. With a small gab. (maybe 0,5s) But don't split it. Thats too random.

I'm not quite sure I'm following what you said. Too random? As in the attack or...

Much earlier ready as in he killed faster?

Also I've noticed, and discussed with kara, that as units begin to move farther away, especially fast units, the towers begin to miss on an increased basis. On fast units, such as knights, the towers miss 100% of the time at ranges over 900. I noticed this happening when the towers were located southwest of the creeps it was trying to attack.

When I say the attack missed, I mean the entire attack and not just the bounces. This is due to the projectile moving too slow I'm guessing.

Kara talked about decreasing the airtime of the projectile to see if that fixed them missing.

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Another idea for Gunpower:

Let the missle explde three times. With a small gab. (maybe 0,5s) But don't split it. Thats too random.

wouldn't that result in more misses? if the missle exlodes three times at the same spot, the creep would be at different positions.. in the case of a single creep, it is possible it's not hit at all. the projectile takes too long to reach the 'target', by the time it reaches and starts exploding, the creep has already passed the 'target'. correct me if i misunderstood anything..

what i'll prefer is a projectile that definately hits the creep much like the 4.0pb gun, but deals secondary damage. the projectile hits a creep, then splits into 2 and deals secondary damage. that way, at the start, it deals damage to multiple creeps, but also hits single creep leaks, with the secondary effect 'wasted'.

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wouldn't that result in more misses? if the missle exlodes three times at the same spot, the creep would be at different positions.. in the case of a single creep, it is possible it's not hit at all. the projectile takes too long to reach the 'target', by the time it reaches and starts exploding, the creep has already passed the 'target'. correct me if i misunderstood anything..

Maybe let the missle follow the creep...

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but I did increase the speed of the projectile significantly.

should help to reduce misses.. like the 4.0pb gun.. i would think it hits slightly behind the target but the delay is so short and thus hardly noticable.

making it homing would be kind of imbalanced.. in catching unslowed fast creeps.. the tower fires a creep just above IX and the projectile follows the creep until it's above VIII.. (not sure there's that much time but an exaggerated example.. )

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