(Element TD V0.81b)
With the reduction of interrest (just 1 choosable) I actually started using a different build. (but based on gwho's build)
I WFE FEW FE DD. (BTW, the reason I prefer water first is because the first anoying waves that are really anoying are the fire healing and the fire undead. Then you atleast have something to fight them if needed) And then around wave 20 to 25 I put down haste and just use resellable towers to keep myself in the run, adding towers like vapor, jet and offcoarse te forge to get enough firepower to get though, but only if needed. Its not a big problem if you make these towers on the lower waves because they can all be upgrade into haste.
then at wave 50 to 55 I start using muck + erosion to get more damage of, and beyond 55 upgrade.
I managed to get 716 points on normal with this build, but that said... I don't play solo.
I also found this build rather weak agains water waves... In te beginning you could just buy and sell rays and grenades to do your bidding, but between waves 30 and all the way up to lvl 55 (last water wave) these water waves become a pain in the behind.
The alternative i used was:
I WDEF DWEF EF, This build relies more on Muck doing the early damage. if placed well and early, (4 or 3) muck wil probably able to solo some waves (note, you will probably will need to buy and sell low tier towers to prevent leaks, or to kill the medic wave). 1 muck, 1 haste , 1 erosion tower (note, after adding Muck if you feel muck is leaking a bit much or is gonna leak more the you can handle, add Haste. If this combo starts leaking or you think it does, add Erosion.) Note that before you get Mire tower,.. you probably get another haste tower or 2/3, and with 2 haste towers or more its recommended using a forge every 4 haste towers for the damage upgrade. (because at that time, the hast tower will not 1 shot or even 2 shot anymore and the damage increase wil be helping)
At wave 40,.... get the element as soon as you can... if you get earth soon enough, you can upgrade the muck to mire. And because most of the dps you do is firebased (haste, your main damage dealer, erosion, damage amplyfier) you either need darkness or another way to stop that wave. If it comes to triplets, this is the only tower with both the element (earth,.. does not have a advantage or disadvantage) and slow to help you.
And then its just a mather of adding just enough towers to kill the wave.
(I have big succes on water waves and on leak management early on by using 1 or 2 darkness towers (lvl 2) in the 5 position (hugging the right side) but do note that they become useless after a while.)
When at the higher waves, about 54,55 and on,.. I normally have the habit on having about 7 towers at the 4 position, and 7 towers at the 3 position. Those towers are 4 blits, 1 corrosion, 1 mire, 1 forge lvl 2, and later lvl 3.
However this is not optimal, (terribly overbuild even) but at this lvl you do not have much that can really put a dent in water waves unless you invest heavely in Mire (if I would also release my element I still leak 1, 2 or 3 creeps even with this setup).
With this build I was able to pull of 984 points on normal, 712 points on hard. (again,.. I don't play solo so this is in just random matches, settings all normal and pick elements)
I just like to do this build, because its strong endgame (you might have less then the averadge life build in lifes, you will have less towers then a hail build, but most of the time with a little micro, your the last 1 standing ), but it lacks the midgame "interrest farming with 1/2 towers" ability, a bit. (refering to Celerity/Velocity build with lots of micro)
I am sorry for any typing or grammer errors . And comments are more then welcome.