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About PermanentNoob

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    Dual Element Tower 1

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  1. Who needs to finish waves fast while playing single player? Less time equals less interest. Less interest equals less total gold in the end. Now explain to me why you think less gold is superior to more gold. Only reason to finish waves fast is to try to force leaks on your competitors in multiplayer. Ofcourse, you need a point of view to say all replays suck. You see what you look for. Saying every replay sucks means you are looking for something other then the replays are showing you. Now what could it be? Ah, so you are looking for better players to play multiplayer with you. Also, what exactly would never work? I am quite sure its obvious to everyone by now that solo and multiplayer is not the same. Most here have been playing solo strategies. They dont always work in multiplayer. How about you come on battle.net and you try other modes like VH-SR? Show some respect. If people have some selfrespect in this forum they will not contact you on Garena because you talk to us like we are inferior to you. Your attitude reminds me alot of a guy who recently got served. This post is not solely for you real_feeder but to show everyone else how lame your attitude is. If the post was only for you I would have sent you a PM. Perm..
  2. Am I going insane? I am sure beyond doubt I did not double post in this thread. Perm..
  3. Which game version are we playing? Perm...
  4. Well, you are almost there. Now we need to teach you how to undo the caps lock before you start typing. Then that you are infact no king at all. And in the end that however good you get, there is always someone better. Until next time. Perm...
  5. I love the idea. SR VH, any mode. Perm..
  6. Agreed! To gauge whos more/most skilled in a random multiplayer game would require SR and everyone play the same difficulty. In my opinion AR is too much luck based and anyone playing normal while others play very hard can bring quite a pressure on the very hard players. Perm...
  7. I understand you completely and I will say again what I wrote earlier Now, to explain my writing for you in very simple terms. To avoid writing whole essays of useless crap of text I simplify the text so you get the idea of what I am saying in as few words as possible. Its the easiest thing in the world for me to write long and boring texts. Now I could be adding some extra information like exceptions, more explanations about this or that. Then I am back to the start, huge text. Have you ever been to an internet conversation and some guy just pumped out 2000 word reply? If you actually start reading and then less then half way through you are asking yourself when this reply is going to end. That is exactly what I am trying to avoid. Plain and simple text. But sometimes it is perhaps too simple as you may not be getting the idea of what I am trying to convey to you. Now I would read it over and see that the first two sentences say what I am trying to say. Everything else is just extra explanations on them. So I have a dilemma. Should I erase the extra explanations or assume he gets the point? In the earlier case you missed the point because I wrote too much other junk. I know the world is not black and white. But to understand different opinions, different point of views, you have to compare them somehow. In my opinion, everything can be compared. Its just a matter of how simple you make the outcome, how many will eventually get the idea of what you are saying. Perm...
  8. Challange accepted if you find / use some kind of delay reducer. Also when did I say that all pick is lame? I think you misunderstood what I was trying to write. It is not about a single build, it's about using all of the builds and knowing their limitations. (which I by far do not know, but I used to know them a long long long time ago) Ok.... First, I dont use any type of third party software when playing wc3 Second, if you require this delay reducer why dont you get it and use it? Third, I dont understand why we even arguing about this. Its clear to me that our opinions about this game are quite different. You see skill in VH random. I see luck in VH random. No amount of skill will help you with absolute trash set of elements. Here is an actual multiplayer scenario wave 48, LNFFWD$LN and 23k gold total Any suggestions? Perm...
  9. Are you in any better position 3 seconds before wave 16 on normal? The builder still needs to rebuild given that you sell and rebuild along the way to kill wave 15. Anyway this topic of discussion is for multiplayer but you keep giving examples of solo play. I dont know if you understand that there is a vast difference between solo and multiplayer. Other players use theft on you, finish the round before you giving you no option to sell some of your towers because the waves are coming in too hot. Meaning less interest and total gold. Im off to play some VH online. Later Perm...
  10. Must be older versions Well, even with the strongest known strategy nowadays we can barely hit past 200. I say it is impossible to get to 400 on VH in the current version without "whosyourdaddy"! Perm...
  11. Add multiplayer and maybe chaos mode and you have the whole package, the best player would be the one who knows the game inside out, is the most lucky with elements and can outresource the other players while they are continuing to harass you with their annoying weapons. Does anyone disagree with this statement? Perm..
  12. Im gonna try a few now. Let you know when I have some results. Perm...
  13. Then you should stick with random. Random is all about luck anyway. Getting useless combos of elements and interests in random forces you to spend more gold on towers and reduces the chance of maxing out vs ronalds or it will force you to alt+q+q. Go on, find out whos the most lucky in random. I find it hilarious when playing random and you get the first extra interest after level 55. Having played all game with 2% interest and then just when you have very little gold anyway, voila, extra interest rate. Then again. Most of you seem to play only solo. I could say that is equally lame as you say all pick is lame. You want this game to be tough? Play in multiplayer. Then first it gets tough because as soon as you start having more gold then the others they start leaching off you your interest. Then they start mass selling your towers and sleep your builder. Protect the creeps and heal them. Now all the awesome micro, building and selling will only help you that much until they are out of the game at level 50-55. What you can do in this situation is either quit or accept the fact that you are not playing to kill ronalds but to outlast the other players. What is the goal of the game? Perm...
  14. I actually cheated to get enough gold to do this build, you can expect to get 610-640 kills on VE depending on luck factor and with 50 lives at start. I got 624 kills on first try. First leak was at 400 kills, at 500 I had 36 lives left. At 550 I had 22 lives left. At 600 I had 5 left. defeated at 624. So I assume the current record is still the best known way to get max ronalds on VE. Perm...
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