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Auto-Attack not working on alot of towers.

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A lot of towers are not hitting automaticly they only seems to react when u manually click on them to hit the target.(Lina, Alchemist towers and the list goes on...)The bug has been appeared after the 7.20 Dota2 update. It is still not fixed at this point of time. I am a true fans of EleTD and would be happy to see this fix so that we could play the game again ASAP. Thanks!

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5 hours ago, jasontseung123 said:

A lot of towers are not hitting automaticly they only seems to react when u manually click on them to hit the target.(Lina, Alchemist towers and the list goes on...)The bug has been appeared after the 7.20 Dota2 update. It is still not fixed at this point of time. I am a true fans of EleTD and would be happy to see this fix so that we could play the game again ASAP. Thanks!


We are aware of this but there is not a fix coming. At least not from us. Hopefully Valve release another update to Dota 2. Otherwise, you'll have to wait for Element TD 2 (standalone) to play again.



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