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Charles Lloyd

Thickened Outlines

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Why is that the outlines are thickened? For example, the Undead aura. The aura now looks like a pure violet aura. Before, it has drawings in it. And the Regen aura, it became white.


And for towers like Hail, Quake, Vapor, Ice and Nova, when they attack, the game lags a bit because of the thickening of the outlines.

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On 6/30/2017 at 7:30 PM, Charles Lloyd said:

Why is that the outlines are thickened? For example, the Undead aura. The aura now looks like a pure violet aura. Before, it has drawings in it. And the Regen aura, it became white.


And for towers like Hail, Quake, Vapor, Ice and Nova, when they attack, the game lags a bit because of the thickening of the outlines.


What version? Could you post a screenshot?


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