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Guest ReignStarz

Lightning Tower Strat

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Guest ReignStarz

Does anyone know one to use on hard? My main problem is I can't kill bosses because I don't have any bounce damage; which makes it hard for my to upgrade towers to level 2 etc.

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element td isn't a game where one tower owns everything. you'll need a mix of towers to complete the game. electricity tower can be used as your damage source but you'll still need towers like aoe slow, damage/tower amplification.

for elementals you'll need strong single-target towers. zealot or maybe long range towers like impulse can help. maybe you could give more details on your build for further advice...

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Oh, while I was typing holepercent did an answer.

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Welcome to the forums ReignStarz. :)

I don't quite understand your question. Do I get this right:

1.) You think that you need bounce dmg to kill bosses. (I'd say you would be wrong here.)

2.) You think you need electricity towers to kill bosses. (Again, I disagree.)

3.) You want to upgrade an electricity tower to a lightning tower, because you think it's a great tower to have. (And again I don't agree.)

If I understood your question right, my answer would be:

Electricity is a great tower on it's lowest level. You could use one electricity in a pick game for the waves up to maybe 20 or so (with some help of elemental arrows or cannons ofc, it can't do everything alone.) Or on random, you could build a whole bunch of them for non-earth levels, for even longer into the game, at least till wave 29.

But to upgrade electricity into lightning has several bad sideeffects:

-You can't boost a lightning tower in 4.0pb (this will change in future versions of the map).

-Bounce dmg is a bad version of dmg. Only that lighning has a very high dmg output to begin with, makes this tower valuable. Bounce is worse than single target dmg and far worse than splash. You could argue that ligthning has a high dmg too, but as it can't be boosted and is no splash, other towers will easily do better.

-You have to level up both fire and light to level 2. That's much harder than to get more elements on level 1, and many different elements are much stronger than to level up a few. (That's because we didn't manage to fix the ballance of the map yet.)


-Electricity is a dmg tower. I never met a player that lost because of the dmg towers, it was allways about the support towers. So what is your build? What elements are you playing? What towers do you use?

-Choice of towers is important, but even more important is placement. I have written a (far too long) placement guide, or you can ask about the best placement for towers. Electricity for example belongs on a two pass if you don't use it with massive slowing.

-Killing bosses takes single target towers on long pass. If you play on pick and with little slow, your elemental towers will stand on two pass, so you need a lot of elemental arrows on long pass for them. Don't forget to sell the arrows after the boss and get something on two pass for the money instead. You might need to relocate your arrows to bring down the boss.

Soo, is any of this helpful? I probably got it all wrong, so tell me more :)

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Guest ReignStarz

Electricity towers have a damage of 1-1 meaning that if the damage doesn't bounce(From one monster to another; has to be about 4 monsters near each other) then the damage is not efficient.

I usually do short mode on very hard and I start off with fire light and water. I build 1 electricity tower and a frost tower for the slowing.

But my problem I run into is when I get a lumber I can't use it on a level 2 boss because my damage is not bouncing from monster to monster so the damage is not efficient and I find the boss running through about 3 times.

Towers that increase another towers damage doesn't work on Electricity or lightning tower. Nor do towers that increase speed.

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I think upgrading the lightning into a windstorm is stronger. I would drop the ice, and use only the lightning and cannons/arrows till storm.

And I wouldn't try to get a level 2 element so soon. Or do you want to build a focused tower at wave 21? Either start more elements on level 1, or just wait with the summoning.

What do you think?

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