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Guest ciopo

game mode concept : ??? mode

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Guest ciopo

Greetings fellows element master, i would like to share with you my thougts about a new game mode, to know what you think about it and if you would find fun to play with it.

Basic concept : on this mode the builder can't choose what to buy, instead of the usual builder layout, he have , other than the arrow and the cannon tower, these 3 construction skill :

build random base element tower ( cost 50)

build random dual element tower (cost 500)

build random triple element tower ( cost 1517)

the respective tower once built are, guess what, replaced with a casual tower of the choosen type among the one avaible to them

as for gameplay, i suppose it could be setted as samerandom, with these options :

interest presetted to 4% instead of the usual 2% or perhabs greater money rewarded per mob killed, reason : we can't control what we are building, some overbuild is expected to be needed to survive, therefore more money is needed

"sell tower" give 100% money back ( it's random, after all), but it's on "cooldown" for the first XXX seconds after the tower is built, to prevent building/reselling until you find a good tower, but still allow selling/rebuilding if you missplaced a tower or whatever.

each tower can only be upgraded to it's next level, so no upgrading a base element to a dual and the such, basic tower can only go as far as pure, dual to their respective level 3 and so on, this to prevent a player from build random base elment then upgrading them at a choosen dual/triple

lumber management and element picking : game start at level 20 with Y amount of gold and 4 level 1 element, covered so the player don't know what they drafted.

Starting at level 20 and not at 15 as short mode is, so we have 4 elements we can build from, not just 3 dual and 1 triple as short mode max is.

Well, do you like it? :3

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can be interesting but it's a bit too random and removes most of the skill required to play element td well. chances is that one player would be getting all the strong towers while others are left repeatedly selling and rebuilding to get a decent set of towers, resulting in mass leaks..

and the elementals are killed free of charge? or you kill 'random' tier1,tier2 or tier3 elementals, which when killed adds a random element which the player doesn't know?

although i suppose this could be a fun addition to the game, maybe giving every tower a chance to be 'in play'..

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