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Guest afdw

i'm not there yet.

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Guest afdw

k urm i think i have improved after watching a few replays but i know i'm not there yet. Please help me improve and get better!=)

heres my replay...

element td .w3g

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way to go...

the positioning of the defense has some room for improvements. Nova and quaker generally belongs to the long pass placement.. watch our games for the placements.

the early undead wave should be taken with cannons. If you wanted to, the electricity tower should be build straight away. Electricity is a strong solo tower up to wave 17, even in VH.. LFNE is a weak element combination to start.

the fire 2 catch was less than ideal.. you didn't use fire2 until much later and could have delayed the summoning instead of losing like 9? lives.. followed by the other tier2 elementals. i was expecting this to be a 4 element build before the tier1 water and dark were summoned later after the tier2s. 3 nova towers isn't really the right choice. In the build there is enchantment and flame as well. The aoe slow doesn't stack and nova is not really effective in multiples at the same location, more so for a 2-pass placement.

it doesn't make much sense to start upgrading the towers in a opening 4 element build and later transit to a 6 element build just for periodics. The 6 element build has much to offer right from the start. the 4 aoe slows, corrosion, voodoo, quaker. In the build is also polar, ice, flame, zealot, impulse. Basically, you managed to get away because this was played in normal difficulty where any somewhat decent build will survive.

well. just a quick one. I'll let jolin012 do the full analysis which he has already started on..

Recommended watching:

Double no-leak by cisz and jolin012

VH rnd replays (watch the tower selection and placement)

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ok, I will watch the replay and list comments on the stuff you do good and bad and hints and so. I was watching the replay and typing down at the same time, so a good way for you to learn from it might be to watch it and read this at the same time.

lvl 1- I notice that you've learn the arrow opening with for example super+normal arrow for level 2, however, that is calculated to deal exactly correct damage for very hard creeps. But, you don't have to learn the exact numbers for normal mode, as you might soon be able to move on and try even harder difficulties :)

These levels I can also notice that you build some extra temporary towers at different locations, instead of just at area 5 ( what is area 5? http://eletd.com/images/numpadlayout.JPG )as most do, which proves the opening aint just a copy, but that you can think yourself too=)

lvl 6. here comes the boss. ok, this time the arrows at area 4 almost killed the boss on their own, but a good thing is to always prepare for bosses. if you don't have much better than arrows available, or some other single target shortrange tower, place it on area 5, the longpass placement, also found in chapter 2 in Cisz tower placement guide found here: http://eletd.com/tower-placement.php

[ a lvl 5 example http://eletd.com/images/longpasswater.JPG ]

lvl 6-7 both these levels you leak one or a few creeps up to area 9. You know how to catch a leak, that's good, but why are you at all leaking them? That's because your temporary tower, placed at area 7 isn't doing it's job well enough, consider trying temporary extra tower at area 5 instead. Like you prolly seen in many other replays.

lvl 8. you only need an elemental arrow tower at area 4, and some extra tower at 5 for this level, even in very hard mode.

lvl 9. on undead levels you should use cannons, they're much better there as undeads tend to clumbp together, and in the best case, all spawn at the same spot, where all die twice on their 2nd pass. But again you provfe yourself skilled with catching leaks, not leaking a single thing, good job, but that might not always work in multiplayer as fastest player sets the speed, and someone else might kill them all at the regular place.

lvl 10. again you catch a leak at area 9, you should know that the line is too long for the arrows at 4 to kill, and have an extra tower at area 5 allready.

lvl 11. the incoming wave has armor of earth, that means your light arrows will be weak. So, how to kill them easily? Use fire arrows! but how's that? The trick here is to place some light arrows quickly at area 7 or 5, and 2 super arrows at area 4. quickly kill the elemental, sell the light arrows, and upgrade the super arrows into fire arrows. quite stressy, but a useful teqnique. If you can't do this you should instead switch your light arrows for a pack of super arrow towers.

lvl 12. darkness wave incoming, that means one light arrow is enough, as they deal double damage vs darkness, and with some unspent cash you will gain interest. Interest, you probably know, is the cash you gain every 15 sec for having as much unspent gold as possible.

lvl 16. ah, nature, a nice choice, and you build an electricity tower, also nice. But unless you want to speed up you should sell those arrows, for some interest to be gained the closest levels.

lvl 20. oh, a nova tower, I must say a bad timing and a bad placement for nova. Nova deals damage in a 750 aoe around itself and therefore belongs to area 5, else a 2pass placement such as your are a 6 is usually good. Also, aoe is bad vs mechanicals, those who have an invulnerability shield when their mana reaches 12. and those siege tanks are earth, which means nova's light damage is even weaker. you should try building some nature arrows for this level instead of upgrading the electricity into nova. perhaps nova the level after( but ofcourse nt nova when summoning boss, nova is weak vs bosses due to it's huge aoe beeing it's strength)

lvl 21, again comes a boss and you should have some arrows on a longpass. consider upgrading into nature arrows, nature deals double damage vs earth armor, and the boss was earth. You don't seem to be aware of which attacktypes are extra strong agains which yet, it goes like this: Light > Darkness > Water > Fire > Nature > Earth > Light...

Also you summon a fire elemental level 2, try spamming area 5 with light arrows before summoning it, the longpass placement.

lvl 30, now you've raised a quaker and 2 mushrooms and a blacksmith tower. I'd say quaker doesn't completely belong to area 6, a 2pass, but some would not agree with me on that, in other words, that placement isn't too bad.

lvl 33, again you don't seem to be aware of the elements strong/weak against each other, you use only quaker(earth dmg) against a nature wave. you should spend 25% of the cash on fire damage if the other 75% are earth, to compensate against nature lvls.

lvl 37. a supernova now, grats, that's a nice tower. But by now I'd start using the other good towers that build has. it has flame tower, it has enchantment tower, it has nova tower, it has blacksmith tower, and sevel damage towers. you have all these but a fire tower for nature lvls, and enchantment tower, which should be raised pretty soon imo, and you'd need about 2 of it. but flame is somthing that should have been raised allready.

Now I have to leave, more to come later.

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