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Gem TD Replays

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erm... no, hehe, but thanks anyway :)

Edit: but please, reveal what those gemtd replays are, difficulty etc.

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Guest 1mpulse


its people expressing their e-peens by beating the game on extreme

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Oh, and those people are not me. I just posted this for impulse.

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Guest Timberwolf

Gem was fun for a while but then it dawns on you that everyone that is winning on extreme is using literally the exact same maze, and then the map dies hard.

Still a good time filler for a while until that point. The actual concept and execution of the map are excellent. Although classic mode is way underplayed.

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Guest 1mpulse

yeah, im also at the stage where its same maze hardest difficult. and everyone tries to mass ancient slates =/

but yeah its fun to pass the time :P

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Guest Spoony

Hi, i manage to kill the lv50 test in version 3.6 without any netting, hold slates or ancient slates. So basically no holding or netting over the entire test:


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