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might as well...

been lurking for a few weeks, decided its time to post.

USWest player...nowadays i primarily play singleplayer VH SR...4.0 public beta of course, since i don't have the 3.0 map (though I bet I could find it if i really looked). I play pick every once in awhile but that's mainly just if i have something neat i want to try or something. no chaos or extreme mode yet. chaos might be interesting but extreme is...well, extreme xD. Could be something to move on to later when i'm tired of normal vh sr but for now the thought of having every wave move as fast as round 18 knights is just frightening.

style of play is i try to abuse interest whenever possible, this means being very aggressive with sell/rebuilding. though of course sometimes I may focus on sell/rebuild a little too much ^^; and of course lategame its hard to use it effectively.

primary strength is that I can build towers really fast. I dont know if i really have a weakness but I tend to use tower query a LOT, i always forget which towers I can build. Ideally I'd have some sort of reference table that updates itself automatically based on what elements i have. =P

replay pack included for all you replay monsters like me who like watching people play (i'm pretty sure I've watched more wc3 than i've played =P).

link is here:


favorite tower: hmmm dunno, maybe jinx towers. not that great of a tower but it's fun to see the creeps warping back to a perfect position for my pure towers to keep hitting them =p

least favorite tower: impulse--its a great tower and i like to use it but requires all of your micro attention, meaning its really difficult to build/sell/etc at the same time. i'm not too fond of trickery towers either, concept is cool but not really to my tastes.

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well. first welcome to the forums. the 3.0 map can be found at http://www.epicwar.com.

chaos mode is interesting and provides more gameplay experiences. i play in vh sr cm all the time and no 2 games are identical. extreme mode is really that. extreme. not a mode that you'll play regularly unless you're really a fanatic..

i also use the tower query quite a lot despite plenty of games and working on the dev and beta.. seems that i still can't memorise my towers.

interesting choice for fav tower.. hardly, if any, chooses that for fav tower...

to end, continue playing and hope to see you in -vhsr in time to come.

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