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Guest ixmike88

Beating Very Hard / Same Random

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Guest ixmike88

Why do you sometimes switch up between arrows and cannons?

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(sorry cisz to steal your question)

I think I told you that in the replay i gave you of beating lvl 1-20 with investment picks.

anyway, on a normal wave cannons and arrows have about equal damage, so it't doesn't matter alot which one you use.

Unless you learn the system for how "oneshot-kill arrow groups works" for then arrows are the better until you need more than 2 arrows for a oneshotkill. (don't know what oneshotkill-arrow groups is? if you look at some of our replays, for lvl 2-6 we always build a group of 2 arrows (area 4), at different lvls for different tiers, that hit the same creep, and kill it. Theses arrows kill maybe 12 of the 30 creeps before the creeps begin to show up on the other lane, and would therefor leak a few, if we didn't use the other trick, some temporary arrows at area 5

As we remember that the groups needs to contain a special amount of arrows everylevel, to just manage to kill the creeps, that is a safer way to farm interest thatn underbuilding cannons.

so - for lvl 1-5 I always use arrows, because i know 1=s(wave 2 needs one super arrow), and 2=sn (level 2 needs one super arrow and one normal arrow)

Here's a short list(s means super arrow, n means normal, a means advanced, e means elementally infused):















(please ask if someone doesn't understand, i'm not that good at explaining things, or ask cisz to write a guide:P)

Levels that require more than 2 arrows in the group , i sugguest you switch to cannons. for example if you get randomed investment at lvl 5, your lvl 8 defense would look: 8sss (and spend the rest of the cash on arrows at 5). But, you can't place 3 arrows @ area 4 with successful oneshotkill effect, so i sugguest that you build cannons instead, 3 supercannons at area 4, and the rest of the cash on (temporary)cannons at 5(can sell/rebuild for interest if you're quick.

However, this is only one of the reasons, the more tricky to understand, why we use cannons and arrows in different situations. Here are some other important situations:

Extreme mode: The creeps are extra fast, therefor more space between the units, and that leads to splash not beeing good. Use Arrows if you are on extreme mode!

Fast Classified creeps:These are also extra fast, so never build splash on these, you can even rebuild your flamethrowers to zealout if you are on random. Use single Target/Arrows if it is a fast wave!

Boss: if there is a boss/elemental incoming, single target is the better. (this is a bit tricky on lvl 30, where you need splash, but elemental comes right after you're done with them, evil creep shakeup :P )

Healing: Here I would sugguest arrows, especially if you can do the oneshotkill. because then creeps will. never regenerate. But it's not that important if you chose to spam 20 arrows or 20 cannons.

Mechanical: Single target favors on mechanical, it is not rare that a car is running around on his own, rather than in a bunch, if he puts on his shield, while his mates gets toasted. So, Here you should use arrows (and try to use a longer 2nd pass, maybe switch to area 3 or 9.)

Undead: Finally something that favors cannons. Maybe you've tried lvl 9 with arrows, and got eaten? Try a group of cannons at area 4. Splash favors undead, because when the begin to reincarnate, they often bunch alot, and the cannons can hit more than 3 creeps.

so, go watch some of our replays again, maybe the one i posted in your first thread about beating lvl 1-20 with interest, or so watch some of cisz vh sr replays, with cm it means that you have to learn arrow numbers for even lvl 9, if undead does not appear there. Try to Upload a try of this, and get some feedback.

Good Luck!

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