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Guest GkJ-mo

Battle.net protocol?

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Guest GkJ-mo

since i couldnt find a battlenet bot running under linux ive decided to put one together myself. what i am needing for this is a reference to the battle.net protocol

what i found out from other sites is, you open a connection to *insertrealmhere*.battle.net port 6112 and send ^C^D to be able to enter the account data, but beyond that... i dunno


are there any references around for this?

man this is getting even more complicated:

I´m sorry to announce that BNET Messenger does not work any more on official battle.net servers. Blizzard blocks all incoming ASCII connections due to the increase of spam bots that annoy players. Here´s what Blizzard says :

We have recently added a channel restriction to telnet and chat-client connections to Battle.net [...] The Battle.net team has taken this step in order to reduce the amount of extraneous text generated by abusers of the Battle.net service. We apologize for the inconvenience this has caused some telnet and chat users, but we believe this recent change will improve the overall experience of chatting on Battle.net. [...] We have received many complaints about people abusing their right to use a bot on Battle.net. The most common problems were bots spamming chat channels, and the use of bots to "steal" private channels.

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