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Including micro in description

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There is a lot of people that thinks that microing for interest is an ilegitime way to play ETD, and then there are those who arent skilled enough to do microing and complain about others who do.

It should be a minor but nice change to include in the "Basics" on F9, just after mentioning Interest and Selling price, that it is possible and legitime to sell towers to increase the interest earnings and rebuild them again.

Just a small suggestion.

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Guest Sancdar

Heh, I know GipFace and I both have replays where people get all pissy that we're "exploiting a bug" by rebuilding.

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Same here, although it died out a bit in the last months. :) It usually makes me smile. I prepared a new way to make fun of them, along the lines of "I'll quote you on the forums and we will have a good laugh" or "I'll tell Karawasa, he'll be chuckling", but I didn't get the chance to use this yet.

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