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Guest mrchak

Bugs for beta 5

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Guest mrchak

It seems to crash a lot

I also noticed a bug: Karawasa is listed as "Map Creator" interesting.

Also chaos mode doesn't seem to work, but its hard to tell because the map seems to crash a lot.



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It seems to crash a lot

I also noticed a bug: Karawasa is listed as "Map Creator" interesting.

Also chaos mode doesn't seem to work, but its hard to tell because the map seems to crash a lot.



Curious about this crashing issue. When I optimized the map, the filesize was much smaller than beta4. I thought I had used all the same options, but apparently not. If other people start reporting the crashing issue, this would be my first suspicion of cause.

As for "Map Creator," I am indeed listed as that over my unit. However, you are listed as "Original Author," a title I thought gave proper credit. If there is a naming scheme you feel is more appropriate, I'd be happy to modify it.

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Guest emjlr3

crash a lot? hope its not related to any of my stuff.....

though i not much i did was added to the new beta

Karawasa should be Map Editor, or Updater

Chak should be Map Creator

emjlr3 should be Map Scripter :)

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It seems to crash a lot

I also noticed a bug: Karawasa is listed as "Map Creator" interesting.

Also chaos mode doesn't seem to work, but its hard to tell because the map seems to crash a lot.



Curious about this crashing issue. When I optimized the map, the filesize was much smaller than beta4. I thought I had used all the same options, but apparently not. If other people start reporting the crashing issue, this would be my first suspicion of cause.

As for "Map Creator," I am indeed listed as that over my unit. However, you are listed as "Original Author," a title I thought gave proper credit. If there is a naming scheme you feel is more appropriate, I'd be happy to modify it.

Well, Map Creator should be "Karawasa & mrchak". Kara has a lot of work with v4, while the original idea... This is the fairest, as I think.

For me, 3 of 3 games went well (until level 40). No crashes here. I only played all-random very hard defdefdef... :)

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Guest DeathMasta

Beta 5 has not crashed on me once, played it like 4 or 5 times so far. Is War3 crashing or are you forgetting to type in the the codes to allow playing of the map?

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Guest Sancdar

Chaos mode works fine for me, and I haven't crashed yet. What towers were you using when you crashed?

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