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New mode

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In a new try to get the dev forum upp again I came upp with a new game mode.

The Draft Mode.

(part of it stolen from dota :twisted: )

But nvm that, if you choose this mode you will have sertian elements that you can choose off.

Ex. if you get

level 3 darkness,

level 3 water,

level 2 nature,

level 1 earth,

level 1 fire

_ _ _ You can choose from:

Darkness 1-3

Water 1-3

Nature 1-2

Earth 1

Fire 1

some pure uppgrades and 1-2 interest.

it is like pick, but you can only choose from the randomed ones.

Sell refound should be pretty high, 90%-95%-100% <--on of thoose.

Consept can be changed.

Ideas, comments, taughts or youst anything. Post it!

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Guest 1mpulse

is that, you can only get level 3 darkness? or level one two and three darkness?

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Guest 1mpulse

so you basically get say, 15 things to choose from , of which you pick your eleven?

or, 11 things to choose from, and you pick the order you receive them in?

sorry about questions, lol.

but either way it helps to divert pick players from using the same old builds

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so you basically get say, 15 things to choose from , of which you pick your eleven?
Yes it is like you get 15 to choose from and you choose 11.

(interest and pures is in thoose 15 or whatever number it will be)

sorry about questions, lol.

No Pleasure, I wanted players to ask questions

(gets the idea more active)

but either way it helps to divert pick players from using the same old builds

Yes, it could do that. (it is like a randomised pick)

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it's something that is worth discussing. since you brought this up, i'll share what i did with one of my old inhouse eletd matches.

think it was 5 players. decide on the order of players and therefore draft order.

on your turn, pick an element and the level you want the element to be. For example, i pick lvl 3 water for 1st pick.

the next player can choose any other element at any level. so he takes lvl 2 fire.

the 3rd player takes lvl 1 darkness.

4th player decides he wants water too and therefore picks lvl 2 water.

and so on (no repeats allowed. host can decide pures/interest be included in main draft or added in later after 15 elements have been picked)

at the end of the draft (3 picks each) 15 elements at different levels and maybe pures/interest have been picked. compile the picks. all lvl 1 elements enter the 'pool' of elements. all lvl 2 elements picked that have their respective lvl 1 element picked enter the 'pool', same goes for all lvl 3s with corresponding lvl2 and lvl1 picked.

In the event that a lvl3 or lvl2 was picked without the corresponding lower level being picked, host could decide to downgrade the element to the lowest legal lvl (eg the lvl 3 and lvl 1 was picked, the lvl 2 would be the highest lvl in the 'pool') or replace with pure/interest. (it so happened that in my game all picks were legal.)

the game then starts where players can only pick from the elements drafted and any pures/interest added into the 'pool' .

in this way, you can support a previous pick (picking the lower/higher level of a already chosen element) or make your own choice. This allows for countering/denying players of geting a certain lvl3 element (unless he spends all his picks picking the lvl1, lvl2 and lvl3 of the same element) . it's not so random and still gives players decent choice of elements.

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i don't really have anything against a halfrandom mode, and it is somewhat an allrandom rather than an samerandom, right? I won't play it more than once to test it think, because i ever play ar. sometimes maybe pick if its a race, because then it's a fair challange anyway, but i almost always go sr. But it's no problem with me if it'd exist, i have no problem that other ppl enjoy this.

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It will be more like samerandom, maybe.

Holepercent I were in to your idea also, a little bit.

But I tought random would be god.

But as we all brought it upp it could be like a chaos mode. (don't understand me wrong now)

You can have samerandomdraft, randomdraft, or pickdraft.

Ofcourse all of those is a bit pick.

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aha, so choose draft/non-draft after(or before) pick/ar/sr is chosen, ok... sounds good, if the draft mode itself works out

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in my original idea, the draft replaces pick/ar/sr. so there would be draft mode and the standard pick/ar/sr. the draft itself 'randoms' the elements while giving players the control over the order. it's a combination of both pick (you control the order) and random modes (only certain set of elements are available) .

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randomdraft? my idea of the draft was to combine pick and random. randoming based on elements drafted would be almost the same as a normal random. 15 picks most likely removes 3 lvl3 elements only which most random games do not even get to that stage. anyway, read on to find out what i have.

first pick the game mode: pick/sr/ar/(tournament random)/draft

if draft is picked, then choose pickdraft,samerandomdraft and allrandomdraft.

pickdraft would be as above where all players draft the elements and pick their elements based on what is drafted.

for samerandom draft, instead players vote on elements to REMOVE. (borrowed from extended league mode in DotA) This essentially bans certain elements from being randomed for the first 3? lumber for all players. this may help to remove some 'unplayable' combinations of elements (although it can be said that all combinations are playable with good skill).

for allrandomdraft, players REMOVE elements INDEPENDENTLY of other players. this bans the elements from being randomed for the player only. so you can remove a combination that you can't seem to play.

just some suggestions although i think there's quite a lot of programming involved to make everything above work.

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Thank you, thank you.

This is youst about what I wanted to have, but I had hard time saying it :P

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