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Element TD 1.47

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Veteran players will enjoy this one!


-Added Insane difficulty (60% armor, 110% HP, 1.103 bounty)

-Creeps you spawn no longer come to you (Wars)

-Cooldown for spawning decreased (Wars)

-Nerfed Quark Tower (EL) to 20 DPS from 23

-Buffed Ice Tower (LW) to 44 DPS from 40

-Buffed Wrath (EFW) to 17 max stack from 16

-Buffed Cast Lightning (FL) to 25% bonus from 20%

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Great changes to Wars, feels MUCH better now. However, support towers need to send creeps now. Imagine this situation - 1v1, sending creeps to each other... one person has mostly support towers and is banking on only a handful of damage towers. He's only sending a few creeps to the opponent, meaning his opponent doesn't get much gold. I suppose that means he's banking on interest, but I doubt it'll be able to keep up with the difference in creeps sent.

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