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Draft League Match #3

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Whoever reads this first, post your choice for mazing mode and first dual (2-element tower). Use of mazing mode requires both players to agree. Otherwise, the game is played non-mazing.

Please wait until your opponent has picked before announcing your next pick. All picks are in pairs, with the exception of the first and last picks.

Remember that you are only allowed to build the towers you picked for yourself. You are not allowed to choose a tower which another player has already selected. There is no restrictions on elements (the duals you pick do not determine your elements). Triples must be upgraded from one of the duals you have picked. You are allowed to pick a tower which you may not be able to build just to deny your opponent that tower.

Draft would go as follows:

Player A Dual #1

Player B dual #1

Player B dual #2

Player A Dual #2

Player A dual #3

Player B dual #3

Player B dual #4

Player A Dual #4

Player A dual #5

Player B Dual #5

Player B Triple #1

Player A Triple #1

Player A Triple #2

Player B Triple #2

Player B Triple #3

Player A Triple #3

Player A Triple #4

Player B Triple #4

Player B Triple #5

Player A Triple #5

Player A Triple #6

Player B Triple #6

Player B Triple #7

Player A Triple #7

When the draft concludes, agree whether the match would be played online or single player.

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