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Guest akabegformercyy

Best Start

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Guest akabegformercyy

out of everyone u have played wc3 with, who do you think has the best start?

As in best start, i mean milk the most interest without leaking, or maybe require least micro, or rushes the opponents the most

If possible, coud u provide a replay of that person?

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Guest Sancdar

It really depends on who else is in the game. When I'm playing alone I can get fairly ridiculous levels of interest, like in my replay for the arrows/cannons challenge. In a multiplayer game it all depends on how fast the creeps are coming. In that case, I think Cisz's arrow opening is very good. It's simple to remember how much to build for the first several levels, you can change the speed with temporary towers if you want to, and it's placed well to counter rush while still allowing extra time for interest if you want to play that way.

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Guest GipFace

or maybe require least micro

Then that person isn't very good. The first 30 levels are all micro, micro, and more micro. And this is coming from the person who abhors the extreme micro tower, Summoning.

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or maybe require least micro

Then that person isn't very good. The first 30 levels are all micro, micro, and more micro. And this is coming from the person who abhors the extreme micro tower, Summoning.

To be truly competitive in the future, your going to have to keep up a solid game beyond level 30. The game will be more rewarding to skillful players. The future holds a much better balance between builds, and a greater need for skill intensive play. Help from the testers and the community to provide quality feedback will be crucial in achieving this.

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But still we havn't really answered the original question. :shock:

The arrow opening, which isn't mine, as I copied it from GipFace, would be the "best" opening imo, but it requires fast fingers, so not everyone can play it. Or: It's not the best opening for everyone.

It basically works like this:

You place one or two arrow towers of the correct level at 4 (numpad notation), on two-pass. This group is strong enough to kill one creep of the current wave with one shoot.

The needed towers are:

Wave      Towers
1    1 Super Arrow
2    1 Super Arrow
3    1 Super Arrow, 1 Basic Arrow
4    1 Super Arrow, 1 Advanced Arrow
5    2 Super Arrows
6    2 Super Arrows
7    1 Elemental Arrow (not fire)
8    1 Elemental Arrow (not earth)
9    1 Elemental Arrow (not nature)
10    1 Elemental Arrow (not dark), 1 Super Arrow
11    1 Elemental Arrow (not water), 1 Super Arrow
12    2 Elemental Arrows
13    2 Elemental Arrows (not light)

If a wave requires two towers, I place them above each other, while gipface places them besides each other. We both try to achieve that they will allway target the same creep without us microing them. Both versions fail sometimes.

Even if the towers correctly target the same creep and do one-shoot kills, they are only barely enough to clear a wave (and thats on the slightly slower multiplayer), so you need more towers to be on the safe side.

I place those extra towers at 5, on long pass, and their job is to do extra kills. It has no value if they just damage a creep, you need valid kills.

If you are fast enough, you sell those extra towers when the interest is due and rebuild them directly afterward, and between waves all towers are razed for the same reason.

If I can't one shoot a wave with two arrows, I switch to cannons. So if I have fire as first element, I build 3 cannons at 4 and 2 temp cannons at 5 for wave 7 (water).

You know what two pass, long pass and the numpad notation are?

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