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Another suggestions list

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This isn't nearly as extensive as that giant list, but there's some things I've noticed recently that could use more buffs or alterations.

  • Healing creeps are overpowered. The only single target that actually kills them things that 1-2 shot them. After that, they're pretty screwed against healing. I do agree with the 4.5 AoE change, however... with 25% healing on death, it's too much. In fact, builds that use slowing and splash practically incapable of killing the rounds. It should be hard for them, but even with a maxed out defense on wave 60, my pure natures were the only towers getting any kills, and it was only one at a time. I suggest a nerf to 18% heal on creeps.
  • I did a comparison on the DPS between Light and Dark towers. Light (22 range) does about 42.5 DPS whereas Dark (16 range) does about 46.5 DPS. For a range difference of that amount, I figure the DPS on Dark could go a little higher, say to 50 DPS, so a buff to 75 damage would be pretty good.
  • A few patches ago, you mentioned something about changing the pathing dummy model as well as having it periodically go through the maze. I've only seen it go through the maze once, and it's at the start. I haven't seen anything else periodically go through.

And then the stuff that just feels weak:

  • Grabbing a 3rd pure tower is pretty much not worth it... at all. So what if grabbing the pure tower thing gave a secondary effect? Say +0.5% interest? Even if you were to rush it, you couldn't make any use of that anyways. Problem with that really is grabbing it at 55 - doesn't do any good. But I figure it'd make grabbing it at least somewhat worthwhile. If it were to give you two, well that'd just be straight overpowered.
  • The following support towers do gimp damage - Barb, Erosion and Ion. They do... pretty much nothing. I did a comparison between them and the Warcraft 3 towers and noticed something - in War3, they'd do approx. 2500 damage over 5 seconds whereas say Muck would do 1500 per shot. It was fairly even because Barb, Erosion and Ion reapply the effects, so rather than appearing to do more DPS than Muck and Polar, they're actually doing about about even in the end. So my suggestion is to buff all of them to 60 per second over 5 seconds.
  • And lastly, well... Radius. I've already explained my case on this one, no matter how much you buff its damage (until it hits absurdity), it doesn't work well with its surrounding elements.

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  • We can try out 20% and 4.5 AoE Healing creeps
  • Darkness at 75 sounds fine
  • Periodic pathing dummy became annoying
  • Let's try 50 damage per second for Barb, Erosion, Ion, and Nova (pseudo)

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Lol, I should suggest double of my intended suggested levels for damage, you always seem to go halfway in-between. *runs* Alright, new plan. RAY TOWERS DO OVER 9000. *shot*

Well, if the pathing dummy is say... a stream of light (take the light tower's attack for example) that's not physical but still follows the path, would that work? I still haven't found that old War3 TD map that had the dotted line on the path (which altered anytime you changed it), but when I do, I'll be sure to show it to you.

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Just gave it a shot, it worked well too. However uhh... you may want to remove the explosion that happens every interest, lol. It'll confuse new players like crazy. If you could make the tail of it longer without increasing the size it takes up, that'd be cool.

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Moar stuff:

  • Make the explosion (not the line drive) on Ice Tower Full/Half, so I guess 2 AoE (Full) / 3.75 AoE (Half).
  • The tooltip info for Ice Tower (the icon for when you're contemplating on upgrading to it) still says 12 range.
  • Buff Radius back to 200 damage. Still haven't played around with it that much really, so... iffy here.

And now for a change on Obliteration (suggestion):

  • Rather than controlling when it reloads (when you mix with Trickery, its sub-support tower, that is nearly impossible to control), remove its reload ability and simply make it a slow-firing concentrated blast of doom. I know you keep the fire speed of everything in the game limited to .31, .66, 1 and 1.5, but what if this tower's uniqueness came from its extra slow firing rate? Keep its AoE and range the same, but make it 2 or 2.5 Fire Rate and amp its damage to compensate. I mean, it IS siege tank. As in, a SC1 style siege tank. Something like that.

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Increase the projectile speed of Ice Tower. As it is, when it's hitting in a straight line, it still slaughters, but when it's shooting sideways such that only the explosion would hit, it uhh... due to it now being 2.5 AoE (which is fine), it literally cannot hit something that's not in its line drive. Jet and Shrapnade can still clip them, but Ice is incapable of doing so. Ideally, the line drive (or half of it) would still miss, but the explosion can still hit.

... that, or give the explosion a half radius of 3.75.

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Every tower in the game is supposed to be special in some way, and currently, the Jet tower holds the sole ability to attack ground. Honestly, I think every splash tower should have the ability to attack ground. Jet could stay as is even if multiple towers have attack ground capability.

Actually, I would LOVE IT if Muck and Barb towers had attack ground. Mildew would work great with attack ground as well. It's not something that would necessarily give the most damage output, but it's very helpful. The way there's no attack ground on every tower is kind of like how in the standard game, there's no autocast on anything except one or two abilities. Back in Warcraft 3, just about everything had autocast - if it made sense.

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More balance suggestions, two of which have been suggested before in various places.

  • Now that Quark actually hits stuff, nerf its damage from 60 to 45. It's terribly strong right now, lol.
  • Buff Obliteration to 450 damage from 400 damage, same cooldown. Heck, you could have it go all the way back to 500 damage; keep in mind that when it was at 500 damage, a lot of other towers were fairly gimp and have since been buffed, making the current Obliteration Tower feel very meh.
    • That, or make it a 2.25/4.5 AoE tower.
  • Buff Quake's single target damage to 250 from 200. Keep its AoE damage the same, it's perfectly fine.
  • Runic Tower seems to only be useful when its ability is going off, and unlike Hail Tower, the ability only lasts for 3 seconds. I'm fine with this; however I believe Runic's standard attack should be buffed instead. Rather than its standard attack being a mediocre 1.5/3 AoE splash attack, my suggestion would be to make it a stronger, single target damage attack. While it wouldn't match other single target towers like Flood, Haste, Ephemeral, and the like, it would still be pretty respectable. Its ability would then switch it over to what it currently is now.
  • Shift Celerity back to a 1 attack speed tower with higher DPS. Right now, it slaughters through 50 with the right build, but once it gets to 55+, it just feels completely useless. While some towers ought to be somewhat more useful than others during the early and middle waves, there shouldn't be any tower that gets invalidated during the final 5 waves and fruit wave, except Money and Life.

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Man, these are never gonna stop, are they, lol. The quake buff in the previous post isn't really necessary fyi. I'll leave that buff up to you.

  • The flamethrower tower (after a bunch of buffs) is in line with other towers; in fact, maybe it's better than others, I honestly don't know. However, because its effect has the same AoE of its attack, it feels kinda... pointless. Would you be opposed to buffing the damage to 150 (75 per stack of Napalm) and then making the standard attack do only 1.5/3 AoE and then the Napalm 6 AoE? I have no idea if that'll make the tower stronger or weaker, but I just think that Napalm needs to have more of a purpose, because right now, it feels... it might as well just be part of the standard attack.
  • Annnd if Flamethrower switches to 1.5/3 AoE for its standard attack, I vote Obliteration goes to 2.25/4.5 AoE, damage dropped back down to 360. Perfect management, its DPS will be slightly higher than a flood (using 2.25/4.5 AoE) while having higher range. Maybe its damage could drop a little more, but Flood isn't supposed to be perfect in everything it switches to; in fact, most damage towers are better that Flood in its respective category, which is fine.
    • A comparison between the current Obliteration and Flood (using 1.5/3 AoE):
      • Obliteration - 311.11 DPS, no manual reload
      • Obliteration - 350 DPS, perfect management
      • Flood - 454.54 DPS
    • Currently it's straight up trash. It may seem nice and powerful in the early waves, but keep in mind that EVERYTHING is pretty much strong against the early waves.
  • How much does Celerity's DPS need to go up? Quite a bit. A 25% increase is probably accurate, because that's how weak it is right now (and why it's currently useless lategame, and why it's not that useful mid-game without the right build). Of course, keeping it at 0.66 with that would keep it overpowered for the mid-game, so increasing it to 1 speed or possibly even 1.5 would be necessary.
  • Mildew might need a buff of some kind. I'm not sure, as I'm going to test it out more later today and try it place it where my Ice god-spot is, but it just feels outclassed by all of the other dual towers.

A few patches ago, you made a very unnecessary buff to a certain tower. I ignored it because it was a 10% buff, but then you buffed it again. Now it's just an absurd tower. Cannon towers (Dark + Earth, not the Grenade towers). They probably should be dropped back down to 11 or 10 damage. You have no idea how strong those towers are when placed correctly because I usually combo them with Magnify and Flamethrower. It's actually a bad idea to place them in the middle. Rather than using their range to pick off targets, think of it this way - their range is used to get additional damage in, and when the creeps get close up, they rack up the damage. I'll try a dedicated defense out later today and post a replay of this up, alongside a Mildew replay and a replay showing off Vortex hax.

EDIT: Apparently, cannon towers suck by themselves, but they are god with other towers. I'd still recommend dropping them to 11 damage, but your call. Also, level 2 mildew towers... they are buggy. See attached replay. And please drop them to 10 or 8 range, they keep firing at the same target at 12 range, which is bad, because it hits nothing else when it does that.

Element Tower Defense _2_.SC2Replay

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