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Tower damage meter?

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I'm not how easy this is to implement, but I think it would be nifty to have a tab that showed the actual damage output by your towers, per round or something. I find it difficult to tell which of my towers is actually doing useful damage and which I'm better off selling.

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Didn't the Warcraft 3 version show damage numbers whenever something hit? That would be useful, especially when there's a difficulty damage reduction and you want to know the actual damage your towers are doing so that you know if you'll one-shot the target or not. I'd really like something like that when I've got, say Corrosion and Hex towers plus some other stuff to see how that stacks up vs. different builds.

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In WC3 that was only for a few towers that had variable damage and were triggered. The equivalent towers in SC2 do this too. But if we were to apply it for all towers, your screen would become one massive clusterfuck of numbers.

What I can do is look into displaying the damage done in some time frame. My idea is a command. You would type -damage X and it would display the damage dealt in the next X seconds at the end. Thoughts?

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I don't know how advanced the sc2 editor is, but what if you klick on a tower (opt. and it has a special ability on it) it will start to count the avarage dps and show it.

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