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Torrent/Tsunami towers' lag doesn't disappear

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Essentially, after having a bunch of Torrent or Tsunami towers out for a while, they won't even need to be firing and it will still lag. You can sell them, and it will still lag (to the extent where it's really hard to even put down another tower). The only way for that lag to disappear completely is if you lose and/or quit the game.

To test this, run it on extra short and plop down a Tsunami tower right off the bat, and then rush Fountain Towers such that by the start of 42, you have two Tsunamis and a Fountain tower. When the game gets to be really laggy (say, round 51 or even 56), sell everything. It should still lag really badly. From what I can tell, something is adding up over time (probably the level-up effect) and it's just not disappearing.

(Yes, this is referring to the original problem in that Torrent + Well topic, just... more specific and to the point)

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